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- 2011-10-07
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自己有時笑一些旁邊人不笑的事; 有時旁邊的人笑, 但自己覺得一點也不好笑, 為了和諧只好假笑.
一種說法是個人笑點有高有低, 但這樣不能解釋為什麼有時我笑他不笑, 有時他笑我不笑.
查了一點心理學的研究, 目前有三種理論解釋笑:
(1) 從緊張到放鬆. 惡搞多屬此類. 如果一開始並不緊張, 或聽了笑話還不放鬆, 就笑不出來了. 也可能靠笑化解心裡的緊張.
(2) 自我優越感. American Funniest Video 裡大多是看人出醜. 如果心中產生不了優越感就不笑. 這個表情符號挺傳神:
(也可能是美女嫌自己牙醜, 必須遮著嘴笑.)
(3) 聯想因而恍然大悟, 得到滿足. 如果腦子沒轉過來, 或者聯想得太輕鬆, 缺乏成就感就不會笑.
(4) 苦笑: 無奈, 靠笑化解心中苦悶.
(5) 淫笑: 期待好事即將發生, 愉悅之情寫在臉上. 漫畫裡眼睛呈平腎形, 眼珠翻上.
(6) 傳染笑: 別人笑, 自己不知怎麼的也想笑了. 同理心反射.
現在舉個例子, google "funniest joke in the world", 得到以下:
Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a gun shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says "OK, now what?"
您覺得好笑嗎? 為什麼?
自己有時笑一些旁邊人不笑的事; 有時旁邊的人笑, 但自己覺得一點也不好笑, 為了和諧只好假笑.

一種說法是個人笑點有高有低, 但這樣不能解釋為什麼有時我笑他不笑, 有時他笑我不笑.
查了一點心理學的研究, 目前有三種理論解釋笑:
(1) 從緊張到放鬆. 惡搞多屬此類. 如果一開始並不緊張, 或聽了笑話還不放鬆, 就笑不出來了. 也可能靠笑化解心裡的緊張.
(2) 自我優越感. American Funniest Video 裡大多是看人出醜. 如果心中產生不了優越感就不笑. 這個表情符號挺傳神:

(3) 聯想因而恍然大悟, 得到滿足. 如果腦子沒轉過來, 或者聯想得太輕鬆, 缺乏成就感就不會笑.
(4) 苦笑: 無奈, 靠笑化解心中苦悶.
(5) 淫笑: 期待好事即將發生, 愉悅之情寫在臉上. 漫畫裡眼睛呈平腎形, 眼珠翻上.
(6) 傳染笑: 別人笑, 自己不知怎麼的也想笑了. 同理心反射.
現在舉個例子, google "funniest joke in the world", 得到以下:
Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a gun shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says "OK, now what?"
您覺得好笑嗎? 為什麼?