求summer camp (8/12-8/30)建议


想问一下,8月12日~8月30日期间有没有啥summer camp可以报,有没有妈妈推荐一下?我女儿4岁,参加了中文的summer camp,到8月9日结束。City Ottawa 上的都是9点到下午4点,我还没下班呢,没办法接。有啥建议嘛?谢谢。
想问一下,8月12日~8月30日期间有没有啥summer camp可以报,有没有妈妈推荐一下?我女儿4岁,参加了中文的summer camp,到8月9日结束。City Ottawa 上的都是9点到下午4点,我还没下班呢,没办法接。有啥建议嘛?谢谢。
city有很多after care的,找找看。
city 那些camp 都有before,after care, 等于是8--5camp.
谢谢各位的回复,举个例子,我现在看到这个地方是还有位子可以报名的。但时间是9am-4pm的,这个地方有before/after care嘛?
地点是: Glen Cairn Community Centre. 是在City Ottawa的summer camp里找的day camp.
Camp-Junior Kampers-Exceptional Explorers - 827025

Ages: 4 yrs. to 6 yrs.

- Course Fee $151.00
- Course Fee-Non-Res $188.75

Full day program with swimming instruction! Make new friends while participating in a wide variety of activities.

Spots Available: 7

Registration Date: 03-06-2013 10:00PM

To register for this course click on the ADD button to add to your cart.
Last Updated: 06-06-2013 7:48PM

Tuesday 08-06-2013 9:00AM - 4:00PM Lower Hall-Glen Cairn Community Centre
Wednesday 08-07-2013 9:00AM - 4:00PM Lower Hall-Glen Cairn Community Centre
Thursday 08-08-2013 9:00AM - 4:00PM Lower Hall-Glen Cairn Community Centre
Friday 08-09-2013 9:00AM - 4:00PM Lower Hall-Glen Cairn Community Centre

谢谢回复,我报了中文学校的summer camp是7月2日-8月2日,这期间的before/after我都已经额外交钱在这个中文学校搞定了。

现在是剩下的8月6日-8月30日,如果报City Ottawa的每周的camp就是9点到4点,我白天8:30am-4:30pm上班,两头都碰不上。最好是能这个camp里能延长一个小时,我就可以照应过来了。8:15早上把她送去camp,我去上班,下午4:45之前去接她。有camp能提供8-9am及4-5pm的before/after,就完美了。
Call the phone # in the program description, then they will tell you if it includes before and after care. Most of them do.
想问一下,8月12日~8月30日期间有没有啥summer camp可以报,有没有妈妈推荐一下?我女儿4岁,参加了中文的summer camp,到8月9日结束。City Ottawa 上的都是9点到下午4点,我还没下班呢,没办法接。有啥建议嘛?谢谢。
The camp with city of Ottawa provides before/after care for free. That is, you can drop off your daughter as early as 7:30 and pick her up at 5:30 with no extra cost. Anyway, that's the rule of last year. You can double check with the city.
The camp with city of Ottawa provides before/after care for free. That is, you can drop off your daughter as early as 7:30 and pick her up at 5:30 with no extra cost. Anyway, that's the rule of last year. You can double check with the city.

Thank you very much for the information. I called them yesterday afternoon and left message about my questions. They replied me this morning and said it's free from 8-9am and 4-5pm. I'm very happy about that. Then I can handle it myself. I will register online City of Ottawa for the summer camp.
我还有个问题啊。就是比如现在City of Ottawa上有至少20个以上的地点有summer camp。我利用什么google map的功能,可以看到离我家最近的是哪几个center?现在我只能用笨办法,一个一个输到地址栏里去看具体在哪里,离我家有多远。刚到渥太华,大概地理位置还不是很了解。想请教大家。我住在kanata lake。谢谢。
刚报好了summer camp,里面有写pre/after camp.但没写7:30am就可以drop in.我到时候再去问问看吧。谢谢各位好心人的回答。

#8270**: 2013-Summer Registration Session Classes:5Hours:35:00 Days:Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Starts:08-12-2013 9:00AM-4:00PM Ends:08-16-2013 9:00AM-4:00PM Confirmation:Pre-camp 8-9 am and post-camp supervision 4-5 pm is offered at no additional cost. Enrolment forms, out trip forms, Medication Forms (if applicable) are required to be completed on first day of camp. Children who carry an Epipen or a Twinject must have 2 with them at all times during camp. It is also recommended to bring a hat, sunscreen, water bottle, 2 peanut/nut free snacks and lunch.