a) If you move to Ontario from another country:
The waiting period begins on the date you establish or re-establish residence in Ontario. If you are an eligible temporary resident, such as a foreign worker who meets the citizenship and residence requirements described in Ontario's Health Insurance Act, the waiting period begins on the date you establish residence in Ontario.
再咨询一下:我老婆是来这里陪读,当时是旅游签证过来的,那么她现在的身份是加拿大的居民身份了吗?是否符合以下的第一句话里的居民身份呢?一定是从拿到open work permit的那天才是加拿大的居民吗?还是一到加拿大居住就是了呢?当然还去这个地方(city hall里的ServiceOntario)啊。
这条是:a) If you move to Ontario from another country:再咨询一下:我老婆是来这里陪读,当时是旅游签证过来的,那么她现在的身份是加拿大的居民身份了吗?是否符合以下的第一句话里的居民身份呢?一定是从拿到open work permit的那天才是加拿大的居民吗?还是一到加拿大居住就是了呢?
The waiting period begins on the date you establish or re-establish residence in Ontario. If you are an eligible temporary resident, such as a foreign worker who meets the citizenship and residence requirements described in Ontario's Health Insurance Act, the waiting period begins on the date you establish residence in Ontario.