

Eminem Pub 老板
what is kazza? a website?
what is the complete URL? Thanks
Just wanna download some A vidio.
hahah:blowzy: :blowzy:
Kazza is a platform for ppl to share files, such as movies, games, and softwares.
The website is www.kazza.com
you need to download a software about 200k, installer.
then run the installer, it will download another big thing, that is the realy program.
register an id, free
then do search, XXX, select video.
use can also find the most recent movies, hot softwares, and more more more.
The second program you download, the real program, is in the sharefolder. Move that out to a safe place. Then you don't have to use the installer when you want to install it again.
Good luck.

Feel free to ask more question.
Wow, really detailed description...Thanks, but when you say "the big real program is in a shared folder", does it mean my folder can be seen by other people on kazza?
What do you mean to move it out to a safe place?
okay, here
when you download everything and install them. there will be a folder called kazza shared folder, or something like that.
everything you download is there. What I was saying is the program file is in there. You can move it out so that once you delete the program by any chance, you don't have to download again.
And you reminded my about the sharing issue.
You can CHOOSE the share with the others or not. It is in the option menu. Simply go through everything in option and do the adjustment according to your preference.
最初由 血红的残阳 发布
Wow, really detailed description...Thanks, but when you say "the big real program is in a shared folder", does it mean my folder can be seen by other people on kazza?
What do you mean to move it out to a safe place?

Well, it is only for the installation file kmd202gu_en.exe. Once you delete the program, you can reinstall using this installation file instead of the installer to download it again.