Ready to Feed bottles:
Pre-filled convenience for moms and babies on the go. Comes in pre-filled, recyclable, 89ml glass bottles. Just shake well, remove the cap, twist on a standard size nipple and ring, and it’s ready to go (no warming required if they’re already at room temperature).
雀巢的新生儿喝的水奶。买了8 x 89ml Multipacks,但是我家宝宝不喜欢他家的口味,8月到期,还剩7瓶,转给需要的亲。
Pre-filled convenience for moms and babies on the go. Comes in pre-filled, recyclable, 89ml glass bottles. Just shake well, remove the cap, twist on a standard size nipple and ring, and it’s ready to go (no warming required if they’re already at room temperature).
雀巢的新生儿喝的水奶。买了8 x 89ml Multipacks,但是我家宝宝不喜欢他家的口味,8月到期,还剩7瓶,转给需要的亲。