精华 打球速度同意书 Pace-Of-Play Agreement


No one likes a five-hour round, so it is important for all of us to be aware of our pace-of-play and to work as a team to ensure we play as efficiently as possible. It s not about speed: it s about efficiency.

1. 我将持续关注本组的打球速度。一旦我们失去位置,我会主动努力赶上节奏。
I will remain aware of my group's pace-of-play and if we fall out of position, I will actively participate in trying to catch up.
2. 我明白好的打球速度来自高效率而不是仓促。
I am aware that good pace-of-play comes from being efficient and not from rushing.
3. 我明白“失位”是指落后于前组半个洞,或者超过4小时30分。
I am aware than "out of position" means more than a half hole behind the group ahead and/or playing at more than a 4:30 pace.
4. 我明白我的打球速度不由后组来决定。
I am aware that my pace-of-play has nothing to do with the group behind me.
5. 我明白一旦本组失位,将引起涟漪效应影响后组,所以我将尽全力避免出现失位。
I am aware that if my group falls out of position, that it causes a ripple effect behind us, so I will do my best to minimize occurrences of falling out of position.
6. 我明白一旦失位我们必须“准备好就打”。同时我不会依赖其他球员,我将努力在自己的击球时间做好准备。
I am aware that we must play ready golf if we are out of position, but I will not rely on others and I will try to be ready when it is my turn.
7. 如果我是第一或第二开球人,我将在我开球后再记分。
If I am 1st or 2nd to tee off, I will not mark my score until after I have hit.
8. 一旦我拥有下洞首先开球权,我将请其他球员将旗杆插回球洞。这样我就可以及时赶到下一开球台做好准备。
When I have honours, I will let another player put the flag back in so I can get to the next tee promptly to get ready to hit.
9. 除了个别例外,我将在30秒内将球击出,包括在果岭上推球。计时从上一位球员的球停止开始。
Outside of a few exceptions, I will not take more than 30 seconds to hit my shot, including putts and that the clock starts when the last person's ball stops rolling.
10. 轮到我击球时,我将事先做好准备。
I will do my preparation beforehand in order to be ready to hit when it is my turn.
11. 我将把我的球包/球车放在果岭与下一开球台之间。
I will place my golf bag/cart between the walk off of the green and the next tee box.
12. 我明白我只有3分钟找球时间,并且全场我只有3次这样的机会。
I am aware that I am only permitted three minutes to look for a lost ball, and that I am only permitted a maximum of three searches.
13. 在正式比赛中,我明白如果本组失位并有裁判随组观察,而我未能遵守“打球速度”规则,我将被判罚一杆或输掉该洞。如果是周末赛事,我将听从其他球员的提醒,努力加快节奏。情况严重时,放弃该洞。
I am aware that if my group is out of position and if I am observed not conforming with these pace-of-play rules, that I can be penalized one stroke or loss of hole.
14. 我将不会埋怨我不能控制的导致失位的原因,比如天气和意外的干扰。我将把注意力集中在我能控制的事情上。
I will not blame things that are out of my control as reasons for being out of position, like weather and wayward shots, but I will focus on things that are within my control.

I agree to the above and will do my best to spread the word about the importance of pace-of-play.
