2013.9 泰国电影 & 日本艺术


If you like movies and arts, you may like the following information, particularly when they are free. I help post these for another friendly organization. Enjoy the multiculturalism in Canada!

1) Thai movies - they are free, with English sub-titles.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I am writing to inform you that the Royal Thai Embassy, in collaboration with the Canadian Film Institute (CFI), will be organizing a premiere screening of contemporary Thai films between 7 - 14 September 2013, at the auditorium of Libraries and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St.. The event is called "With or Without a Soul?: Thai Film Series", and is open to the public.

I would appreciate it very much if you could kindly assist in publicizing the information to anyone that might be interested in joining in the event. I have attached the CFI's press release and posters for your use. Briefly, our programme is as follows:

During our opening night (Saturday 7th September 2013) there will be a Thai classical dance performance by the Thai Dance Troupe of Ottawa before we commence screening "Tang Wong", which is a film selected for the 2013 Berlin International Film Festival, followed by a reception.

On the second night (Thursday 12th September 2013), we will screen 2 romantic comedy movies: "The Best of Times" at 19.00 hrs, and "Bangkok Traffic (Love) Story"at 21.15 hrs.

On the final night (Saturday 14th September 2013) the Thai Dance Troupe of Ottawa perform another dance which will have a "horror theme". Afterwards, we will screen 2 series of horror movies, which is a genre of Thai movies that is gaining popularity around the world: "4bia" at 19.00 hrs, and "Phobia 2" at 21.15 hrs.

The films' synopses, links, and trailers can be found on the CFI website at www.cfi-icf.ca

Thank you and best regards,

Ruamporn Ridthiprasart
First Secretary
Royal Thai Embassy, Ottawa
Tel. 613-722-4444 ext. 33
Fax. 613-722-6624


2) Japanese arts
September 5th and 6th, 2013
Katsura Sunshine - Japanese Rakugo Comedy in English
Thursday, Sept. 5th, 19:00 - Auditorium of the Embassy of Japan (255 Sussex Drive, Ottawa). Free admission but RSVP required. To reserve: 613-244-6959 or infocul@ot.mofa.go.jp
Friday, Sept. 6th, 19:00 - Kailash Mital Theatre, Carleton University (1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa). Free admission and no RSVP required.
For more information on Katsura Sunshine, please see his website: http://sunshineinenglish.wordpress.com/

September 11, 2013
Lecture: Presenting Japanese Art at the Guggenheim: Gutai: Splendid Playground
Lecture by Ming Tiampo, Associate Professor of Art History at Carleton University and co-curator of the Gutai: Splendid Playground exhibition at the Guggenheim museum in New York.
Wednesday, September 11th, 19:00 - Auditorium of the Embassy of Japan (255 Sussex Drive, Ottawa). Free admission but RSVP required. To reserve: 613-244-6956 or infocul@ot.mofa.go.jp

September 14th and 15th, 2013
Bonsai Exhibtion​
Saturday, September 14th, 10:00 to 16:00 and Sunday, September 15th, 10:00 to 15:00 - Auditorium of the Embassy of Japan (255 Sussex Drive, Ottawa). Free admission.​
Come and see the most beautiful bonsai compositions in the Ottawa-Gatineau area. Dozens of species of trees, some over 100 years old, will be on display. Learn how almost any tree can be transformed into a living sculpture with this ancient art form.
On both days from 1 to 3 pm, techniques used to display the most interesting characteristics of a tree will be demonstrated by senior Members of the Bonsai Society.
Members will also be on hand to provide insight into the horticultural and artistic aspects of trees on display and the nurturing of these miniature trees in pots. One of our goals is to demystify the marvels of the art form for future bonsai enthusiasts.
About The Ottawa Bonsai Society:
The Ottawa Bonsai Society (OBS) established in 1984, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting interest and understanding in the art form of bonsai. Please visit the OBS website for additional information. http://www.ottawabonsai.org

