文妹妹 新手上路 注册 2003-06-02 消息 507 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-07-15 #2 No, as indicated on the air ticket. But you might call the air company or the agency to ask how to.
M mega 知名会员 注册 2002-06-06 消息 477 荣誉分数 5 声望点数 128 2003-07-15 #3 最初由 文妹妹 发布 No, as indicated on the air ticket. But you might call the air company or the agency to ask how to. 点击展开... Will do. :thanks:
最初由 文妹妹 发布 No, as indicated on the air ticket. But you might call the air company or the agency to ask how to. 点击展开... Will do. :thanks: