I don't have any experience myself. But based on what I know, here is a few points I'd like to make for you:
1) It depends on where is the disc herniation (椎间盘突出) and spinal canal stenosis ( 椎管狭窄). Cervical levels is normally more severe than at lumbar level.
2) If the stenosis is caused by the herniated disc or by something else such as thickened ligament (筋变厚), bore spurs (骨刺) and osteoarthritis (关节炎) etc.
3) It also depends on the direction of the disc herniation. Herniating toward back has better chance to heal by exercises than towards front.
4) what kinds of tests have you done? CT or just x-ray? x-ray sometimes is not 100% accurate.
5) Surgical treatment may cause some kind chronic pain or discomfort in the long term, for 20-30% of people who received the surgical treatment.
6) conservative treatment may take longer or may not worked for certain situations, but it won't have major side effects.