CNN 为最近天安门事件中的恐怖分子招魂


昨天,CNN(美国有线电视新闻网)报道10.28天安门恐怖袭击事件,标题是《天安门冲撞案:恐怖主义还是绝望的呐喊?》,在CNN眼里,恐怖分子成了 “值得同情的被压迫者”,而死在他们车轮下的人们,都不值一提。CNN通篇大谈新疆汉维民族矛盾,称中国政府觊觎新疆丰富的资源,又在新疆遍布警察,监视 维族人民的活动,大肆逮捕并限制新疆维族宗教自由。

这一报道引起了网友情绪的强烈反弹,截止目前已经有463条回复。值得一提的是,许多回复者从姓名特征上看是中国人,在这个回复平台上,他们坚持底线,谴责了恐怖分子的行为。在CNN搭建的“擂台”上,他们与一些CNN支持者辩论,与疆独藏独分子据理力争。 他们当中,可能有海外学子,可能有手持绿卡的华裔,也可能是中国大学生。他们所做的,也只是发生在网络空间一角的“虚拟”事件,但这种行为,却让人看到中 国人坚持真相的精神,尊重生命,讲求事实,痛恨任何践踏生命行为的态度。在这里,我们将这些评论搜集翻译,展示给各位读者。 疆独者粉墨登场: CNN报道发表后,获得了一些疆独分子的追捧,一位昵称叫UyghurTibet(维吾尔西藏)的人说:维族人拿到护照很难,这就是为什么许多维族人徒步逃到阿富汗。当他们逃离中国的管控,他们受到了塔利班的欢迎。也许有些维族人在那里受到训练,来对抗中国的侵略和压迫,但是维族人不针对别人,只针对中国人。

塔利班在美国搞袭击也是为了保护自己,维吾尔族试图抗争占领他们土地的中国政权,反抗“东突厥斯坦”“国土”上的压迫。你如果明白中国是怎么对待维吾尔族的,你就会明白为什么会有这次反抗。 维吾尔族人曾经集中训练过要抵抗中国的入侵;就像日本入侵中国时中国人也有反抗一样,如果你是为了保护你的家园而战,那么就不是恐怖主义而是正义之战。有些在欧洲的维吾尔族人,想要寻求人权机构的帮助,因为在中国他们过不上好日子。 维吾尔族和9·11没有关系,是中国体制逼迫维吾尔族去加入世界恐怖主义。维吾尔族仅仅会对中国的入侵反抗。 这条评论立刻遭到网友的反驳: Xman111:作为一个中国人,我说说我身边的情况。维吾尔人对每个人都非常友善。通过和他们的交谈,你所宣扬和信仰的一切都那么荒谬,你和你的组织对 中国统一如此憎恨,中国只要一天天强大,你们就浑身不舒服。回顾历史,新疆在近代那么风雨飘摇的动乱年代都没有分裂出去,那么对现在来说,结果更是显而易 见。听到这而,你和你的小团伙会痛哭流涕吧。多可笑啊。 如果你和你的组织以及你们的西方主子想给恐怖组织武器,来入侵新疆或妄图想让新疆独立出中国,你听好,我和所有中国年轻人,包括新疆的汉族人民都会打得你落花流水,输掉内裤。你如果不相信我所说的,去谷歌一下“朝鲜战争”。没有一支军队能打败中国,你们就做梦吧。 如果你想试试,我就会给你颜色好看。

这位网友Xman111又用中文说:你举事实,那些白痴不会搭理的啦,那些洋人会说你被洗脑了,或者说这是血腥镇压的结果。他们是不会管事实怎么样的。在纽约时报论坛上用中文,感觉好好的样子。 那些反华势力越是不开心越是疯狂,我们中国人就越是开心,越是证明走对路了,多数维族人都是热爱生活渴望安定,一千万维族,就算一百万闹事也是少数,撇开大多数去看少数,无非就是一种出于对中国衰亡的饥渴,稍微有点事就亢奋高潮了。我想问下作者,I WANNA ASK THE AUTHOR ,ARE YOU HIGH?

wang wing:说的好:)尤其最后一句。西方人都热衷于逢中必反,幸灾乐祸的自high过程,几十年始终如此。但抱歉的是中国,中国人依旧按照自己的思路来不断发展,赚世界的钱财。本文作者及此类洋垃圾就只能期盼此类风波的发生,来满足其日益愈发难以满足的心理撸管需求了。 另,还是希望中国人用中文来淹没CNN啊哈哈。 -
Tiananmen crash: Terrorism or cry of desperation?

By Sean R. Roberts, special to CNN
updated 2:29 AM EDT, Thu October 31, 2013

An anti-terrorism force holds exercises in Hami, in northwest China's Xinjiang region in July.
Sean R. Roberts is an associate professor and director of international development studies at George Washington University. He has done substantial fieldwork in China's Xinjiang region and is presently writing a book on the Uyghurs of Kazakhstan.

(CNN) -- The events on Beijing's Tiananmen Square that resulted in the death of five people and the injury of dozens more were tragic, but are they representative of a serious terrorist threat to the Chinese state as is now being suggested by official sources?

According to Chinese security organs, this act of driving a jeep into a crowd of people and setting it on fire was a "carefully planned, organized, and premeditated" terrorist attack carried out by a group of Uyghur Islamic extremists from Xinjiang Province.

READ: Beijing car crash 'a terrorist attack'


Sean R. Roberts researches the impact of Chinese state-driven development in Central Asia and Xinjiang
Unfortunately, given the lack of transparency historically in the Chinese state's conviction of Uyghurs on charges of political violence, we may never know whether this characterization of Monday's events is accurate.

What we do know is that Chinese security organs claim that the attackers in the truck, all of whom died, were a Uyghur man, his wife, and his mother. Additionally, Chinese state sources claim to have arrested an additional five suspects in connection with the alleged plot.

Were these alleged attackers members of a cell belonging to a large transnational Jihadist network like Al-Qaeda? Are they representatives of a well-organized militant movement like Al-Shabaab, which recently led an armed hostage-taking operation at a mall in Kenya?

Looking at the crude instruments allegedly used by these people -- gasoline, knives, iron rods, and an SUV, it is difficult to argue that this was the work of any highly organized and well-armed militant group or terrorist network.

There were no sophisticated explosives used in the attacks, and the alleged attackers did not even possess guns. Furthermore, although Uyghurs are Muslims, there is no evidence that they have ever been involved substantively in a global Muslim militant movement.

READ: Who are the Uyghurs?

So, how do we understand this act of violence if it was indeed carried out by a family of Uyghurs?

The obvious answer is to look at what is happening in the Xinjiang itself where such violent acts have been occurring with increasing frequency ever since the ethnic violence between Uyghurs and Han Chinese that spread throughout the regional capitol of Urumqi during the summer of 2009.

Life for Uyghurs inside Xinjiang is not like that of most people in the People's Republic of China (PRC).

For the last decade, the Chinese government has created a virtual police state within Xinjiang, employing enhanced surveillance of Uyghur citizens, actively repressing Uyghurs' political voices, and greatly curtailing Uyghur religious practices.

It has also vastly reduced Uyghurs' access to education in their own language and has limited Uyghur language publications of original reading materials.

Officially, the Chinese state explains most of these measures as part of its anti-terrorism measures to protect national security.

These measures also regularly include arresting large numbers of Uyghurs on charges of engaging in "illegal religious activity" or of having ties to terrorist organizations.

In fact, during this month alone, security organs in Xinjiang were involved in the fatal shooting of suspected Uyghur militants on several separate occasions and arrested at least one hundred more they suspected of trying to flee the country.

Although the government characterizes its ongoing and expansive confrontation with Uyghurs in Xinjiang as anti-terrorism, it is equally related to the PRC's larger plans for Xinjiang.

READ: Xinjiang calm on anniversary of deadly riots?

The region is of critical strategic importance to the state as it is China's primary gateway to the west, both in accessing western markets for Chinese goods and in securing natural resources, such as oil, gas, and uranium from Central Asia and locations further west and south.

In this context, the PRC is presently funding enormous development projects in Xinjiang that are also bringing a large influx of Han Chinese migrants and are uprooting Uyghur communities and displacing them from traditional lands.

The state may not care to rid Xinjiang of Uyghurs, but it would like the Uyghurs living there to willingly yield their perceived homeland to a Han-dominant state culture. As a result, the future of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region appears destined to be neither Uyghur nor autonomous.

With these events unfolding in the region that Uyghurs view as their historical homeland, one feels compelled to question whether Monday's alleged attack was a well-prepared terrorist act or a hastily assembled cry of desperation from a people on the extreme margins of the Chinese state's monstrous development machine.

However, given that this is allegedly the first instance that Uyghurs have carried out such desperate acts outside Xinjiang, and in this case in the very symbolic seat of central power, we may also be witnessing a sharp escalation in the Chinese state's confrontation with the Uyghurs.

In the midst of this escalation, it is also possible that the PRC's long-maintained, but largely unsubstantiated, claims of a Uyghur terrorist threat are perhaps becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Sean R. Roberts

Sean R. Roberts 给人似曾相识的感觉呀,给恐怖分子的攻击,找点理由:monster:

紧跟党中央, 这是政治成熟的表现
紧跟党中央, 这是政治成熟的表现
别笑别笑, 我是很严肃的说的。

中国从古道今, 从老老年间,在连左派,右派的概念都没有的年代, 紧跟XXX,就是政治成熟的表现。
当然这是个代数的概念, XXX到底是皇帝,大将军,老帅,相爷, 内阁,太后,还是别的什么都是要看当时情况而定的。
如果太后当权,皇帝懦弱,就跟当年西太后跟光绪似的, 你去玩儿什么紧跟皇帝, 那绝对是政治不成熟的表现, 老佛爷才是需要紧跟的。谭嗣同就是这么完蛋的。

民国初年, 你要是在东北混,不去紧跟张老帅,却去跟南边的陈大帅眉来眼去的紧跟,那就是在作死。

现如今, 党中央最牛逼, 你不紧跟党中央,还紧跟谁呢?紧跟CNN?出了事儿人也帮不上你啊。