99 Toyota Corolla VE for sale


99 Toyota Corolla VE, only 55,000 km, excellent condition, 4 door, auto, A/C, new 4-season tires, rust-proofed, overdrive. all maintenance done at dealer, only one driver.asking for $12,500 or better offer. Call 355-7258 for more information.

The average retail price for corolla VE 1999 was estimated to be $9475 in Canada vehicle red book published in June 2003
最初由 sweethome 发布
You may see different price range based on the car conditions (e.g.mileage) and geographies.

Below is a web site you can refer to. The retail price (VE with less than 60k kms) is about $12,225.


Please don't be misleading. It is not ABOUT $12,225. It's the HIGHEST. The highest price end is 12,225 for corolla 99 VE from the website that you recommended. Your price is still higher than that price....... WHY?

According to the latest Consumer Report, the average devaluation of a new car after 3 years is about 43%. Consumer Report has been organized by non-profit organization and well accepted in North America. You may estimate the price of your FOUR year's old car accordingly by assuming a best devaluation percentage.
If you take a second look at the website, you will find that $12,225 is the reference retail price. It's not the highest price. My asking price is the market price and it's not the final price.

If you're interested, please give me a call. This is not the best place for negotiation.

Here is another website for your reference. You will find most of the similar cars'listed are above $13,000, with more mileage.

最初由 sweethome 发布

Here is another website for your reference. You will find most of the similar cars'listed are above $13,000, with more mileage.


You are misleading buyers again. When you do your search, please select Private Listings ONLY. You will see then all prices are lower than what you are asking. I do not think it is apropriate to use dealer's liasted price as your yardstick, since dealers will provide more services to the car before and after the sale. You cannot make a comparison between an APPLE and an ORANGE.

Generally speaking, buying a used car from private is more risk than from a known dealer. That's why the well know dealers price a used car higher than the other dealers. Buying a car from private is a gambling and the buyer wants to make a good deal at some risks. The seller can also benefit from selling the car privately at a relatively good price instead of selling to the dealer at a much lower price.
You're correct. I priced my car higher than the 3 cars listed. They all have higher mileage. If you search on lowprice.ca for private sales on the same model. They all priced higher than mine.
http://www.lowprice.ca/news.asp?news=ott.forsale.vehicles (search key words: Corolla 99)

You sounded like I was trying to mislead people to buy my car. I'm not! You have your opinion, that's fine. It's your choice to buy a car or not to. But please, don't judge people here.

I agree with you that dealers provide more services, that's why their price is $1,000 higher than mine, and the mileage of their cars are 20-30k kms more. Again, it's your choice.