平 平水相逢 高级会员 注册 2010-05-31 消息 747 荣誉分数 13 声望点数 78 2014-02-15 #1 driver licence is expired, can someone ales other than the driver. Is no photo required. Online is ok?
driver licence is expired, can someone ales other than the driver. Is no photo required. Online is ok?
猫胖胖 资深人士 VIP 注册 2011-09-25 消息 12,414 荣誉分数 1,653 声望点数 273 2014-02-15 #2 平水相逢 说: driver licence is expired, can someone ales other than the driver. Is no photo required. Online is ok? 点击展开... renew驾照你得去照相。
平水相逢 说: driver licence is expired, can someone ales other than the driver. Is no photo required. Online is ok? 点击展开... renew驾照你得去照相。
heureux 闲逛 管理成员 VIP 注册 2004-07-18 消息 46,165 荣誉分数 20,157 声望点数 1,393 2014-02-15 #3 猫胖胖 说: renew驾照你得去照相。 点击展开... 真佩服你。居然能看懂问题
Melody 本站元老 VIP 注册 2002-02-24 消息 39,620 荣誉分数 8,402 声望点数 373 2014-02-15 #4 heureux 说: 真佩服你。居然能看懂问题 点击展开... 他何叔不兴这么笑话人的!
平 平水相逢 高级会员 注册 2010-05-31 消息 747 荣誉分数 13 声望点数 78 2014-02-15 #5 driver licence is expired, can someone else other than the driver go and renew it? like, instead of? There's no photo required right? Online is ok?
driver licence is expired, can someone else other than the driver go and renew it? like, instead of? There's no photo required right? Online is ok?
Flood 洪水滔天 VIP 注册 2006-05-08 消息 2,276 荣誉分数 1,705 声望点数 373 2014-02-15 #6 平水相逢 说: driver licence is expired, can someone else other than the driver go and renew it? like, instead of? There's no photo required right? Online is ok? 点击展开... Sound like you are a lazy person, but you still have to do your work. Check out the link below. http://www.ontario.ca/driving-and-roads/drivers-licence
平水相逢 说: driver licence is expired, can someone else other than the driver go and renew it? like, instead of? There's no photo required right? Online is ok? 点击展开... Sound like you are a lazy person, but you still have to do your work. Check out the link below. http://www.ontario.ca/driving-and-roads/drivers-licence
Melody 本站元老 VIP 注册 2002-02-24 消息 39,620 荣誉分数 8,402 声望点数 373 2014-02-15 #7 平水相逢 说: driver licence is expired, can someone else other than the driver go and renew it? like, instead of? There's no photo required right? Online is ok? 点击展开... 告诉你了需要重新照相你必须去Office亲自办理renew!
平水相逢 说: driver licence is expired, can someone else other than the driver go and renew it? like, instead of? There's no photo required right? Online is ok? 点击展开... 告诉你了需要重新照相你必须去Office亲自办理renew!
笑 笑逐颜开 资深人士 VIP 注册 2009-03-08 消息 2,149 荣誉分数 358 声望点数 243 2014-02-16 #8 If you need a photo As of May 2013, you only need to renew the photo on your driver's licence every 10 years. If you need a new photo, you need to visit a ServiceOntario centre to have one taken.
If you need a photo As of May 2013, you only need to renew the photo on your driver's licence every 10 years. If you need a new photo, you need to visit a ServiceOntario centre to have one taken.
没 没有网名 资深人士 VIP 注册 2007-03-13 消息 1,907 荣誉分数 344 声望点数 243 2014-02-16 #9 The renew form states this clearly if you need to have a photo to be taken or not. If you don't need to have a new photo, you can renew it on line.
The renew form states this clearly if you need to have a photo to be taken or not. If you don't need to have a new photo, you can renew it on line.