- 现在起到3月28号收集兴趣 (要达到30套才能成团)
- 当收到电邮后,我们会对每套轮胎发出相对的订单号码
- 3月31号到4月4号公布价格
- 4月11日前确定加入,支付80%订金(现金或DEBIT)并发放收据 (要达到30套才能成团)
- 轮胎会在4月25日左右抵达
- 轮胎抵达后,共四周时间安排安装日期,如规定日期后没有安装,轮胎将会退回,并会有10%的存储费。
1)订金收取后,恕不退还, 但可更换品牌
3) 胎必须安装在最初注册时的车辆识别号码
4) 请发电邮到allseason2014@onionautoservice.com,把以下资料一拼提交:
i)汽车17位车辆识别号码/VIN number (确定轮胎尺寸, 速度等级和负荷指数) (可在驾驶员门侧面,驾驶员挡风玻璃下方或Ownership上找到)
ii)轮胎生产商 - 第一选择 (例:Michelin)
iii)轮胎生产商 - 第二选择 (例:Nokian)
v ) 联系电话
5) 以上全部信息必须全部提供,如有缺少无法进行后续工作。
1) From now to March 28th, 2014, we will collect interest (at least 30 sets)
2) We will send out a registration code for EACH set registered
3) Prices will be release between March 31st to April 4th
4) Finalize your position by placing a 80% CASH or DEBIT deposit by April 11th and a receipt will be given (at least 30 sets)
5) All tires will be arriving at our store around April 25th
6) When tires arrived, four weeks will be given for schedule installation appointment. Tires will be returned and 10% restocking fee will be charged if no installation scheduled.
1) Deposits are non-refundable, but available to modify brand. 2) Certain tire manufactures have mail-in manufacture rebate available.
3) Tires can only be installed on VIN initially registered
4) Please send us an email to allseason2014@onionautoservice.com,with the followings:
i) 17-characters Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) (For tire size, speed rating and load index confirmation purposes, VIN number can be found on ownership, on the side of front driver's door or on the front windshield of driver's seat.)
ii) Tire manufacturer (first choice)
iii) Tire manufacturer (second choice) vi) Prices are all inclusive with tax, installation and Ontario Tire Stewardship fee
v) Phone number
5) Any missing information will not be processed
Onion Auto Service