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Homes: How to spot a winner

Don't buy without first considering these three key factors to a home's value.
July 24, 2003: 9:51 AM EDT
By Sarah Max, CNN/Money Staff Writer

BEND, Ore. (CNN/Money) - If you own a home, it's probably safe to assume its value has gone up these past few years.

In fact, between 1997 and 2002, the median price increase for single-family homes in America was 51 percent, according to data from Fiserv CSW. Yet, there are big variations from one part of the country to the next, even from one zip code to the next.

Prices in the 94621 Oakland, Calif., zip code, for example, jumped 164 percent over that period. On the other side of bay in Palo Alto's 94306 zip, home values rose 74 percent. And across the country in West Bloomfield, Mich., prices rose just 24 percent. (see a list of America's hottest zip codes here)

What gives?

There are three main factors that affect the value of your house -- in this order: the overall economics of your area, the location of your house within that area, and the specific traits of your house.

"The biggest influence on home values is supply and demand," said Robert Irwin, author of "How to Get Started in Real Estate Investing" and several other real estate books.

But while the macro economy is one of the largest influences on home values, for most people it's pretty unrealistic to base buying and selling decisions on big-picture economics.

In some respects, it's like trying to time the stock market, said CSW senior economist David Stiff. "Because you can't control or predict macro issues, the best way to protect yourself is buy a house that's a good value within its area," said Stiff.

First, choose your neighbors
Location, location, location. "It's what most drives values," said Walter Carpenter, president of the appraisal firm Pinel & Carpenter. "That's where people start their buying decision."

In fact, unless you think you've found the next up-and-coming neighborhood, experts say you're better off (at least from an investment perspective) buying a lesser house in a better neighborhood than buying the best house in a lesser neighborhood.

"Appraisers call it the principal of progression," said Ray Brown, coauthor of "Home Buying for Dummies." He added, "If you buy the least expensive house in the neighborhood, the value around you drives up your property."

Of course, the opposite is true. If yours is the grandest house in the neighborhood, its value will be pulled down by the lower value of houses around it. "You'd be a fool to buy the most expensive house on the block and then put money in it," said Brown.

OK, so what makes a neighborhood desirable? It's not always predicated on logic, said Warwick, R.I., realtor Ron Phipps. "There are just some areas known to be more expensive."

Although, the quality of schools is a bit of a chicken-or-egg scenario (What came first: good schools or high home values?), it is one indicator of future home values. For that reason, Irwin recommends researching local schools even if you don't have children. "You can trace the course of a neighborhood with how the schools have done," said Irwin.

The length and nature of the commute is also a driving force behind values. "In areas where commuting is an issue, housing located in the inner areas will appreciate at a higher rate," said Carpenter. Second to no commute is an easy commute. For example, the value of homes in Providence, R.I., shot up when a regional (or commuter) train began between Boston and Providence, said Phipps.

Other positive influences on property values include amenities like shops and restaurants, recreation areas and -- last by not least -- views.

Then choose your house
Although general location is the most important influence on property values, experts say there are still plenty of house-specific characteristics to keep in mind. If buying the cheapest house on the block means buying a house with an "incurable" problem, consider another neighborhood.

"There's a street in Rhode Island where the houses on one side back up to a forest, and the houses on the other side back up to power lines and a freeway," said Phipps. Obviously, there will always be a large discrepancy in prices.

Looking beyond power lines, your home's location within a neighborhood is an important value factor, according to Irwin. Corner lots, for example, may not appreciate at the same rate as the rest of the neighborhood if they have traffic on both sides and less yard. Flag lots, which have no street access other than the driveway (the flag pole), are also a tough sell.

The architectural style and layout of a house also affects values. Houses that aren't in keeping with local architecture often don't appreciate as well, said Phipps. Odd layouts also dampen home values. "A house with lots of small rooms may not do as well as one with larger rooms," said Phipps. "People like open floor plans."

All things being equal, a house with quality finish work will appreciate better. In fact, buyers are increasingly forgoing more square footage if it means better quality. Buyers, say experts, now scrutinize everything from kitchen counters and cabinets to the thickness of the molding.

"Appointment and trim features in houses are very important today," said Carpenter. "You now see people demanding more interesting architectural features."


话说回来,现在这渥太华,那儿算是 lesser house in a
better neighborhood 呢?
Really crappy houses in Sandy Hill, Chapel Hill, Alta Vista/Rideau Park, Glebe, etc.
An old colleague of mine bought a 2-storey in Sandy Hill at 350K just 3 years ago, the value of the house is now at least half a million dollars.
Other high values properties include water-front properties, treed-lots, lots with great view, etc. My other colleague bought a water-front property all the way out in Dunrobin, north-west of Kanata. She paid around 350K just 2 years ago, it is now valued in between 600-700K.

Both houses share some common traits: prime location, old houses with a lot of rooms, previous owners did not maintain the house properly, a lot of works to be done around the house. Both of my colleagues previously owned another property, so they are NOT first-time home-owners. Then again, people purchase property with different intentions: both of my colleagues bought their property as an investment; others may use it for personal purpose. The level of handymanship is also a factor: the ability to renovate the house to a much desirable level.

location, location, location, location, location, location....:) :) :)
最初由 渐渐 发布
Really crappy houses in Sandy Hill, Chapel Hill, Alta Vista/Rideau Park, Glebe, etc.
An old colleague of mine bought a 2-storey in Sandy Hill at 350K just 3 years ago, the value of the house is now at least half a million dollars.

听说渥太华东边都是穷人区, 为什么chapel hill 还算好的区? 能不能比较一下, 东西边的差别(不考虑距离工作地点远近)?
不能笼统地说东边是"穷人区".Vanier没有人说是好区,里面照样有值一百万的房子,但是再走出两个block,房子就只值10万.Ottawa West不是所谓"穷人区",廉价的政府房也比比皆是.
最初由 VIP 发布
不能笼统地说东边是"穷人区".Vanier没有人说是好区,里面照样有值一百万的房子,但是再走出两个block,房子就只值10万.Ottawa West不是所谓"穷人区",廉价的政府房也比比皆是.

怎么鉴别是不是廉价政府房? 仅两个街区房子就有那么大的区别, 较差的区teenager的问题, 不是很容易扩散到好的区吗?
在两三年前,这些结构普通,没有任何奢华外装饰,但是实用的‘garden house'价格在7、8万左右,一个单收入家庭甚至低收入家庭都有可能拥有这样的房子。而这些房子多数都在已经成形的社区,去学校,商店,社区中心都方便。
最初由 丫丫 发布
在两三年前,这些结构普通,没有任何奢华外装饰,但是实用的‘garden house'价格在7、8万左右,一个单收入家庭甚至低收入家庭都有可能拥有这样的房子。而这些房子多数都在已经成形的社区,去学校,商店,社区中心都方便。

各位前辈, 能否说说 Orleans/Chateauneuf 这个区, 我看这里环境优雅, 好像同kanata差不多, 但是房价比西边低, 为什么呢? 谁要是住这里, 一定不吝赐教.

对于买20年的房子, 其社区也是20年, 各位前辈有什么建议, 有什么需要特别注意的,
买80年代初的房子, 应该考察那些指标呢?

最初由 cao-min 发布

各位前辈, 能否说说 Orleans/Chateauneuf 这个区, 我看这里环境优雅, 好像同kanata差不多, 但是房价比西边低, 为什么呢? 谁要是住这里, 一定不吝赐教.

对于买20年的房子, 其社区也是20年, 各位前辈有什么建议, 有什么需要特别注意的,
买80年代初的房子, 应该考察那些指标呢?

最初由 丫丫 发布


:cool: :cool: :cool:

有些老房卖价略高, 就是因为屋顶新翻修过, 窗新换过, 换成了GAS HEATING. CONDO FEE也很重要, 新房大都FREEHOLD, 老房每月100~200的CONDO FEE很花钱.:p
那HUNT CLUB, BARRHAVEN 还有 CHAPMAN MILL 又各有什么优缺点呢? 看了一通这几个地方的样品房,真是不知该做何选择了,多谢各位不吝赐教!!