请问钢琴考试可以报Children's arts tax credit吗?


请问钢琴考试可以报Children's arts tax credit吗?
RCM level 9.
16岁以上的孩子9级上课和考试可以报tuition。想知道16岁以下的孩子9级上课和考试可不可以报Children's arts tax credit。
CRA did not specifically say yes or no.
However, the piano class meets all requirements for the prescribed program. I would suggest that you claim it. Worst case CRA just denies it but you lose nothing.
Keep us updated as I'd like to see how CRA would assess it. :)
Any reference from CRA for the following statement?


RCM level 9.
16岁以上的孩子9级上课和考试可以报tuition。想知道16岁以下的孩子9级上课和考试可不可以报Children's arts tax credit。
RCM level 9.
16岁以上的孩子9级上课和考试可以报tuition。想知道16岁以下的孩子9级上课和考试可不可以报Children's arts tax credit。

The following link provides useful information:
But please note the following:
When students take post-secondary courses, they may transfer a credit of up to $5,000 per year to a parent. The course must be provided by a Canadian university, college, approved trade school or "other post-secondary educational institution." The savings for a person who owes federal and provincial income taxes is about a fifth of the expense claimed.
In his judgment, Justice Webb citing the dictionary meaning of the words education and institution, concluded the Mississauga School of Music met the test in the Income Tax Act.
So if your kid is taking courses from a private teacher, it may not qualify?
Any reference from CRA for the following statement?


I would like to see it too.
Although I know for a fact that 16岁以上的孩子9级上课和考试可以报tuition, that many have so reported, and that CRA have accepted it, I struggled to find the reference.
Please share.
The following link provides useful information:
But please note the following:
When students take post-secondary courses, they may transfer a credit of up to $5,000 per year to a parent. The course must be provided by a Canadian university, college, approved trade school or "other post-secondary educational institution." The savings for a person who owes federal and provincial income taxes is about a fifth of the expense claimed.
In his judgment, Justice Webb citing the dictionary meaning of the words education and institution, concluded the Mississauga School of Music met the test in the Income Tax Act.
So if your kid is taking courses from a private teacher, it may not qualify?
Apparently so. :)
Children's arts tax credit 限额500刀,钢琴课稍微一上就够了吧,还用得着考试费用啊?
CRA did not specifically say yes or no.
However, the piano class meets all requirements for the prescribed program. I would suggest that you claim it. Worst case CRA just denies it but you lose nothing.
Keep us updated as I'd like to see how CRA would assess it. :)
piano class 费用要有正规单据,应该与老师核实报税意图,是可以报Children's arts tax credit的。这个不用担心。
piano class 费用要有正规单据,应该与老师核实报税意图,是可以报Children's arts tax credit的。这个不用担心。
这怎么是侥幸心态了?我说的很清楚,钢琴课程满足CRA定义的prescribed program要求,所以建议楼主报上去。就算被税局disallow,那我也有argument,也有收据作证,根本不构成故意漏税行为。具体问题具体分析,总共75刀的税,申报的合情合理,税局是不会“制裁”楼主的,别吓着别人。;)
这怎么是侥幸心态了?我说的很清楚,钢琴课程满足CRA定义的prescribed program要求,所以建议楼主报上去。就算被税局disallow,那我也有argument,也有收据作证,根本不构成故意漏税行为。具体问题具体分析,总共75刀的税,申报的合情合理,税局是不会“制裁”楼主的,别吓着别人。;)
我原意是想说报税的基本原则是真实可信,并不针对这个钢琴课费用,更不曾打算吓唬搂住 (但确实想给某些人提个醒),如果自己不能确定的地方,不敢说要去试一试 这个提法实在不敢苟同Worst case CRA just denies it but you lose nothing. 想想看,等到CRA denies it 了,you lose nothing??:eek:
I had no problem until last year for ARCT level, because the teacher did not register as a institution because she don't want to collect GST. So institution is the key here. I switched to ART's credit because this is my last year
我原意是想说报税的基本原则是真实可信,并不针对这个钢琴课费用,更不曾打算吓唬搂住 (但确实想给某些人提个醒),如果自己不能确定的地方,不敢说要去试一试 这个提法实在不敢苟同Worst case CRA just denies it but you lose nothing. 想想看,等到CRA denies it 了,you lose nothing??:eek:
我想你误解我的本意了。我完全同意你说的“如果自己不能确定的地方,不敢说要去试一试”,我从来不提倡这种做法。但是从实用的角度考虑,我建议楼主报上去,因为有8成的把握,而且只是75刀(甚至都没有)的事,难道要让楼主花个几十上百刀去咨询?那真的不如不报。相信我,CRA也是实用主义至上,就算几年后抽查并disallow这个credit claim,补交75刀加几块钱利息了事,还能从中明白为什么不能报。