While we were talking about 美安,捶妮春suddenly join in and made a very stupid comment:
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I have counterattack this post, but don't want to drift too far from that topic, so I open a new one.其实做民工, 做小姐和做美安实际没什么本质的分别.
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最初由 捶妮春 发布
I was saying 民工 is the same people like us, you stupid discrimination make me sick, now you want me to highlight this again?
What about what you said 你说做小姐是非法的, 就有点井蛙了. ? And I pointed out this is not true in China, so you’d better take the title back, even though it’s a insult to rustic frog.
You are so brainless, do you have anything to 施舍? I may 自作多情 to beautiful lady, but you? Don’t let me throw up, please.
做民工, 做小姐包括做美安也比你强.
你是做网乞的. 哈哈.
Did you understand what I said? Did you answer any of my question? I guess you don't have the intellegence.
"也比你强", you are stupid again, what does 强 mean? More money? How can you compare a group of people to another? Do you think you are 强 than 做民工, 做小姐包括做美安.
Your yelling crazily 哈哈 shows more like mental problem with you.
By the way, I think some of those 做美安 are using improper approach, but should not be personally insulted with 做小姐.
And your earlier post:
I have asked you what does 太民工 mean, but you could not explain this, instead you made another stupid comments:差不多就行了, 以为不买东西就雄起了一把,
还振振有词的, 这就太民工了.
This is pretty funny, you forgot that the streets, the apartment, the buildings are constructed by 民工, without them, I don’t know where you used to live, and how to do transportation. You were enjoy the fruit of the hardworking, then you are saying they should not have been there?你们觉得不买东西就爱国了, 也拦不住你们.
就象民工, 非往城里挤, 既然拦不住就只好歧视了.