Police come up empty-handed in Vanier park search for gun

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Ottawa police have completed their search of a Vanier park after receiving information that led them to scour the wooded area for three days looking for a firearm that might have been used in a 2009 gang-related killing at a downtown bar.

Police began searching Richelieu Park on Monday, cordoning off heavily treed areas and searching with metal detectors for the firearm that might have been used to kill 26-year-old Mohamed Jama Ali in May 2009.

In what was dubbed the Bar 56 killing, Ali was gunned down after a beer bottle was thrown at what was then Bar 56 in the ByWard Market.

Major crime investigators would not say what information led them to search the park, only that they were conducting an evidence search as part of an ongoing investigation.

While police say they did not find a firearm, emergency services unit officers did find what police believe could be evidence of some sort. Police would not say what exactly that evidence was, but did say it would be sent for investigation to see whether it’s connected to the homicide.

A known member of the Ledbury Banff Crips and a Somalian refugee, Ali was shot in the stomach, stumbled outside onto ByWard Market Square and later died in hospital in what was the second Lowertown homicide that week. In an unrelated killing days earlier, Dominic Doyon had been found beaten to death in a Murray-Street apartment.

Police have continued to work the Bar 56 case since the summer of 2009. In 2011, major crime detectives announced a $50,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest or conviction of Ali’s killer. The Ottawa Police Service has never paid out reward information for cold cases and the tactic, though earnest, generally comes when investigations have stalled. Police most recently announced a reward in another gang-related shooting, the unsolved homicide of Malik Adjokatcher from May 2013. In the Adjokatcher case, police say, frightened community members and gang members with information aren’t co-operating with the investigation.

At the time Ali was shot, Bar 56 was holding a weekly Wednesday night hip-hop event. Patrons at the bar, who police believe would have seen the altercation that led to the shooting, have not been forthcoming with police. Police believe violent incidents involving members of the Ledbury Banff Crips, who continue to operate out of the south and east side of Ottawa trafficking drugs and women, that occurred after the homicide might have been retaliatory in nature.



