Christians in Middle East and North Africa


ISIS threatens Iraqi Christians in Mosul -

Word of the slaughter in Homs came after ISIS violence against Christians and other minority groups in Iraq in recent weeks.
The Islamist militants, now occupying large regions of Iraq and Syria, have issued an ultimatum to the remaining Iraqi Christians in the city of Mosul: accept Islam, pay extra taxes to Islamic Sharia courts, or face "death by the sword."

The letters from ISIS were distributed in recent days to the dwindling number of Christian leaders in Iraq's second largest city.

The message added that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has agreed to allow them (Christians who do not agree to convert or pay extra taxes) to leave the northern Iraqi city by noon Saturday (5 a.m. ET). After that, the message said, "the only option is the sword."

But the international organization Human Rights Watch says the extremist group is already "killing, kidnapping and threatening religious and ethnic minorities" in Mosul and other Iraqi cities and towns.

Aug 2014

Dear Prayer Partners,

Thank you for remembering us in your prayer. Praise the Lord we are involved in various VBS from different churches in Toronto. We thank the Lord through “Show and Tell”, the items we brought back from the Holy Land, we are able to influence over one hundred children ages from JK to grade 6. Pray that the Lord will grow the seed we sow and many of these children will be used by God in a special way.

Prayer Items:

A. Tel Aviv Chinese Alliance Church:

1. The Need for a Pastor: There are many stm teams helping the church since we left, however, there is no full time pastor or international worker serving in the field. Pray that the Lord will provide them with the right person to shepherd them.

2. Safety for all: Due to recent unrest, STMs canceled their trips to the church. Daily routines go on as usual even when Israel is fighting a war. Pray for protection and minimized loosing of innocent lives on both sides. Pray for peace of Jerusalem. Pray for Mid-Autumn celebration on Sep 6th.

B. Returned Believers’ Fellowship (RBF): We still keep in touch with many of them through social media. Pray for the returned believers to have a smooth transition from overseas church to local church. Also pray that the Lord will continue to use us to start RBF for other provinces in addition to the two current ones. Pray for our vision-casting trip to connect the returned believers from other provinces. We will be travelling to the Spice region from Sept 4 to Oct 16. Pray for journey mercy, protection and words of wisdom to encourage and challenge them.

C. Training of Young Leaders: Praise the Lord; the couple we mentored in the Silk region had completed their three years language program in May this year. They went back to China for home assignment for two months (June - July) and now returned to the field. They told us they are now helping other IWs from China to settle down in the city, to find the language school, help them to be familiar with the local culture... just like how we helped them when they first arrived four years ago. We thank the Lord that they have picked up the baton we passed to them. They are now trying to get work visas to stay as tent makers, please pray for smooth processing. Pray that they can encourage more Chinese IWs to work in the harvest field.

D. Canada Based ministries: Pray for wisdom and strength for us to mentor and counsel young pastors, IWs, and brothers and sisters individually. Also physical and spiritual strength to speak in different meetings like mission conferences, evangelistic meetings, worships, prayer meetings, training, stm…etc. Pray for wisdom to be blessings to many.

E. Health Situation: Jonathan’s health is stable, but he has to take medication regularly. His neurologist suggests that he go through a brain surgery called “Deep Brain Stimulation” (a neurosurgical procedure involving the implantation of a medical device called a brain pacemaker). Pray for the Lord’s guidance whether to go through this procedure.



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