Bring the Nations to our Nation's Capital! FROSH WEEK 2014 (September 1-5)


Dear World Changers,

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine up on us,
that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations.
Let the peoples praise you, O God:
let all the peoples praise you!
Psalm 67:1-3

Last week, I (Hope) had the privilege of being with over 300 recent University Graduates, whom have been called by the Lord do give one to two years of their life, towards Missions and the fulfilling of the Great Commission! It was a powerful week, and I will write more about that later in September.

It was during that week, I was again reminded of the great privilege, honour, and responsibility that we have here to share the gospel with those students who have come from other Nations to my city!

Tomorrow, bright and early we start on campus! We start in the morning with Prayer and we will be engaging with International Students as they arrive in our Nation's Capital and at Carleton University and the University of Ottawa! Many have NEVER heard the name of Jesus, never mind engaging in His life changing Message!

Join us in praying for FROSH WEEK 2014!

September 1: Pray for Jazz and Hope and other 4 other Christian International Students who will help do surveys, hand out treats and make friends

September 2: Pray that we would find LOTS of friends from around the world and that they would be open to not only being our friend but one day knowing Jesus.

September 3: For our International Students Welcome Party! Pizza and Games for new International students on campus. Pray for the logistics, and that many will come!

September 4th: Pray that as we meet friends we can help them adjust and settle into Ottawa and help them practically

September 5th: Please pray for our first English Corner! Pray that many International Students would come to engage in conversational English! Pray for Hope and other local students involved with P2C-Students!

We are so very thankful for you, Thank you for praying for the new International Students whom many are leaving home for the first time!

We are so excited for tomorrow! Loving the Nations right here in Ottawa!