4月24日龙舟节会议 资料

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 Riven
  • 开始时间 开始时间



・ Team Descriptions are due by May 1st. The deadline is tight due to our program printing schedule. A description is a 100 ? 150 word narrative describing your team ? please submit as a Word document if possible. Community teams cannot refer to corporate sponsors in the narrative.

・ Team Rosters are due June 4th. The maximum number of members is 28: 20 paddlers, a drummer, a steersperson, and 6 alternates ? please submit as an Excel document is possible. Changes must be accompanied by the appropriate forms. Wrist Identification is mandatory for racing and will be distributed at the Team Captain’s meeting. The wrist bracelets cannot be transferred once they have been attached so it is important that your team roster be set prior to the event.

・ Waivers are due June 4th. All persons practicing or racing in a Dragon Boat (or other craft that may be provided) must sign a waiver, and in the case of persons under the age of 18 also signed by their parent(s) or guardian(s), accepting the risks associated with their participation in the Festival and waiving any rights they may have to any cause of action against any person, corporation or organization in any way associated with the Festival. No person shall be permitted to engage in any practice session or competition unless the signed waiver has been received.

・ The Team Captain’s Manual will be available at the Casino Launch. The Casino Package will include: site map, schedule, program, TCM.

・ A List of Available Paddlers is available through the office and will be supplied to Team Managers or Captains only.

・ Trophies are due back in the office by May 15th.

Equipment: Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs ? Life Jackets) It has been mandated that PFDs must be worn by all participants during all dragon boat practice sessions and races in an effort to further the safety standards of the sport. PFD usage will be monitored and enforced by the interested parties throughout the season at practice and racing sites. PFDs will be provided to all team members and must be properly worn at all times while in the Dragon Boats, in both practice and competition. Other PFDs may be worn provided they are jacket style similar to the festival supplied PFDs and, in the opinion of the Chief Race Official, provide appropriate safety. Paddles - Paddles, which have been authorized by the Festival Office, may be used. A limited number can be purchased through the Dragon Boat office. The Executive Committee of the Festival may permit any team to use paddles or other equipment necessary to reasonably accommodate its special needs.

Practice Information: Please contact Crystal Devlin at devlinc@hotmail.com to schedule two (one-hour) practices, the cost of which is included in the price of your registration. Teams that fail to show up for a booked practice session forfeit their entitlement to that practice session. Teams whose members are not located in the Ottawa area are entitled to two practice sessions when they arrive, time permitting. Practices are held at the Rideau Canoe Club (RCC) and Mooney’s Bay Park, June 6?June 21. Experience gained during the two practices will enable your team to operate the boat safely on race weekend. Parking is available until June 16th on site but is limited. Please park in aisles to allow for access routes for others. Parking is available at Hog’s Back Park just down the street from the RCC.

Races: All races will be held on Mooney’s Bay on Riverside Drive. The racecourse is 500 metres in length, from a line pre-set at the southern end of Mooney’s Bay beach down to a finish line located in front of the Judges Stand at the northern tip of Mooney’s Bay beach. Each lane is 11 metres in width and will be marked with buoys as will the start and finish line. A crew’s lane is the lane immediately to the left of the buoy marker with that crew’s lane number. The finish line is reached when the nose of the Dragon breaks the plane of the finish line. All crewmembers must be aboard at the completion of the race or the crew will be recorded as DNF (Did Not Finish).

Schedule: The Festival is a two-day event. All teams will race twice on Saturday. The races are scheduled 10 to 12 minutes apart. The top 60 teams will return on Sunday for the semi-finals and final challenge cups. Saturday race times will be distributed to the team managers, printed in the race schedule and posted on the website. Times of second or subsequent races will be announced and posted on race day at the race site on the giant screen and at the Information Booth. Sunday race times will be posted at the Information Booth at the end of the day Saturday and on our website no later than 9:00 p.m. on Saturday evening.

Team Areas: The Festival Site is located at Mooney’s Bay Park off Riverside Drive south of Hog’s Back Road. A Team Area will be marked off at the site for the exclusive use of the participants. Tents will be set up by the festival committee for changing and relaxing. Space for small tents or tarps is available on a first come first served basis. Please note that City of Ottawa regulations dictate that nothing may be tied to the trees. Items left in this area are done so at your own risk.

Team Arrival Time: All team members must report to the Team Assembly Area at least one hour before your scheduled race. In case of rain, the race events continue and are only delayed if there is lightning. Please dress accordingly.

Team Captain’s Meeting: Team Captains/Managers must meet with the Race Officials on Friday June 21, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. to review the rules and regulations, and to pick up any last minute information and identification bands.

Team Composition: Mixed teams must have a minimum of eight females and eight males paddlers: female teams must have all female paddlers. Teams racing with less than the required twenty paddlers will be DNF. A person may be a member of and race for only one team during the event. Teams must supply their own steersperson and drummer ? if a team does not use its own team steersperson, the team may be disqualified. The Chief Race Official may identify certain expert persons as steerspersons and these persons may, where safety requires it, act as steerspersons of teams on race day and shall in that event not be considered as a team member and may steer for more than one team. Any team that allows a person not registered with that team to participate as a crewmember shall be subject to immediate disqualification from the race and from further participation in the Festival. Any on-water or off-water official, including the Dock Marshall and his or her designates, may at any time require a Dragon Boat Team to identify the names, genders and ages of its members. Wristbands provided by the Festival must be worn at all times. Failure to do so may result in team disqualification.

Team Shirts: All team members are encouraged to wear a team T-shirt/outfit at the festival which represents their spirit. Be fun and creative! Team caps, war paint, tattoos, etc. are also encouraged. The festival will be presenting an award for the most creative team T-shirt design. The winners will be announced on the main stage during the awards ceremonies. (Chairperson’s Spirit Award Cup and Best T-shirt Design Contest) Community teams may not wear clothing which bears the name or logo of any corporation or company.