City Hall Blog: Advance poll stats by ward, 2014 vs 2010

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It’s always interesting to look at the turnout for advance polls to see if you can discern any rhyme or reason to them. I took at shot at doing just that in my Monday column — good times! I was surprised to see the relative turnout for the advance polls was higher this year than in 2010, which was conventionally considered a more “exciting” election than our current one (although I find them all pretty fascinating in different ways). Just to recap, 7.4 per cent of total eligible voters cast their ballots at the five advance polling dates held by the city’s election office, while just 6.9 per cent did so in the two advance polling days in 2010.

What will be more interesting, other than from whom voters are actually casting their ballots, is whether these trends hold for the election. Below, I’ve calculated the percentage of voter turnout ward-by-ward this year as compared to 2010 (again, as a percentage of total eligible votes per ward). Enjoy!

Ward Name 2014 Advance Poll 2010 Advance Poll
as % of total votes as % of total votes

1. Orleans 6.6 4.9

2. Innes 6.4 4.6

3. Barrhaven 4.5 4.6

4. Kanata-North 7.4 7.5

5. West Carleton-March 7.3 5.7

6. Stittsville 8.6 7.7

7. Bay 12.4 15.6

8. College 7.1 13.5

9. Knoxdale-Merivale 6.2 6.0

10. Gloucester-Southgate 7.6 7.1

11. Beacon Hill-Cyrville 6.1 6.2

12. Rideau-Vanier 10.1 8.5

13. Rideau-Rockcliffe 10.5 8.8

14. Somerset 9.5 9.4

15. Kitchissippi 8.5 8.0

16. River 5.7 5.6

17. Capital 7.2 7.0

18. Alta Vista 8.4 9.0

19. Cumberland 6.5 4.7

20. Osgoode 6.9 5.9

21. Rideau-Goulbourn 6.8 6.5

22. Gloucester-S. Nepean 6.9 5.4

23. Kanata South 4.4 5.7

