Ottawa->Toronto: 周四,Thursday Nov. 13. 下午 3:30 pm出发.
出发地点:Downtown,300 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, 在Laurier West和Bank交叉处的Shoppers门口集合。
到达: Fairview Mall (Don Mills Subway Station)
Toronto->Ottawa: 周日,Sunday. Nov. 16. 下午 5:00 pm出发.
出发地点: Fairview mall (Don Mills Subway Station) at 5:00 pm.
到达: Close to where you want to go in Ottawa. 可议.
$30单程, Camry XLE V6, 后排只坐两人,保证舒适。
Tel: 647-295-8860 - Ben.请发手机短信或打电话确认座位.
出发地点:Downtown,300 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, 在Laurier West和Bank交叉处的Shoppers门口集合。
到达: Fairview Mall (Don Mills Subway Station)
Toronto->Ottawa: 周日,Sunday. Nov. 16. 下午 5:00 pm出发.
出发地点: Fairview mall (Don Mills Subway Station) at 5:00 pm.
到达: Close to where you want to go in Ottawa. 可议.
$30单程, Camry XLE V6, 后排只坐两人,保证舒适。
Tel: 647-295-8860 - Ben.请发手机短信或打电话确认座位.