Hip replacement surgery: Patients are pain-free and loving life

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By David Sherman

Doctors and patients agree it’s a miracle. After months or perhaps years of pain and immobility, the intense ache vanishes and in a few days or weeks, you’re up and around and pretty soon life is back to normal.

Hip-replacement surgery is No. 2 in patient satisfaction and lifestyle improvements, behind cataract removal, says surgeon Dr. Paul Beaulé, head of adult reconstruction at the Ottawa Hospital and a professor of surgery at the University of Ottawa. A U.S. study says it comes second there after heart bypass surgery.

“There are not a lot of (procedures) where we can really terminate the illness,” Beaulé says.

Dr. William Fisher, an orthopedic surgeon at the Montreal General Hospital, says few surgical interventions give him as much satisfaction as cutting out a patient’s aging hip joint and installing a new one made of chrome-cobalt and titanium.

Dr. Paul Beaulé is head of adult reconstruction at Ottawa Hospital and a professor of surgery at University of Ottawa.

“It is one of the most remarkable operations of the 20th century,” Fisher says. “The change in
(patients’) lives is so dramatic.” John Charnley, who pioneered modern hip-replacement surgery in the U.K. in the 1960s, “deserves the Nobel Prize,” he says.

You’ll get no argument from David Hodgson, 66, who had a hip installed in September after months of pain and living propped up by a cane. He is prepping himself to have his other hip done.

“It’s a miraculous affair,” says Hodgson, who lives in semi-retirement outside of Montreal. “You wake up and the pain is gone. I was walking around the ward the second day after the operation.”

Two weeks later, Hodgson hung up his cane and walked with barely a limp. He was suffering only incision pain and was keen to show pictures of his 23-stitch zipper.

“It feels almost normal,” Hodgson says.

What has become normal is replacing our weathered and damaged parts — arterial arteries choked with plaque, kidneys that have shut down, diseased livers and, more and more, worn joints.

Not hampered by a shortage of donors, orthopedic surgeons routinely exorcise diseased and damaged joints: knees, hips, and, increasingly, shoulders, elbows and ankles.

In 2013 in Canada, surgeons installed 253 new ankles, up from 57 in 2005. Shoulder replacements jumped from 841 in 2005 to nearing 3,000 in 2013.

But most common are new hips and knees. In 2013, doctors replaced 45,640 knees, up from 18,000 in 2005. And hips jumped from 13,851 to 36,400. But while knees are done with the greatest frequency, it is a hip replacement that delivers the most dramatic improvement in people’s lives.

“Total hip replacements are highly effective — meaning the majority of patients are very satisfied with their outcomes,” says Susan Robarts, an advanced-practice physiotherapist and team leader at Toronto’s Holland Orthopedic & Arthritic Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.

Susan Robarts is an advanced practice physiotherapist and team leader of the Holland Orthopaedic and Arthritic Centre of Sunnybrook Health Centre.

“For knee replacements, it’s a different story. Research shows that about 18 per cent of patients are unsatisfied with the outcome. … One really important factor relating to satisfaction includes unmet expectations. … If they are expecting to come out 20 years younger and completely pain-free, well, that’s not going to happen,” Robarts says.

McGill’s Fisher says obesity is not the cause of the arthritis that often cripples joints, but only the increased pain caused by excess weight that may well push a patient to seek replacement surgery.

Morag Elizabeth Livingstone, 76, of Stittsville, was forced to give up curling, a sport she loved, because of pain in her groin, a result of osteoarthritis in her hip.

She went for X-rays, was sent to the Total Joint Assessment Clinic at Queensway Carleton Hospital in June and had surgery in September.

“I was very impressed with the process and the followup,” says Livingstone, who has yet to decide if she’ll return to the curling rink with her husband, Forrest Livingstone.

“He’s a great caregiver,” she says.

Morag Elizabeth Livingstone 76, who had hip replacement surgery on Sept. 2, does her daily morning exercises with assistance from husband Forrest.

Morag Elizabeth Livingstone uses an elastic band to strengthen her muscles.

She’s shed her walker and is now moving around with a cane. “It’s like a security blanket. The pain I had before is gone. I have a little discomfort. I was hoping to make more progress but it’s pretty good. I would certainly recommend it.”

Replacing joints is not only a boon for pain-wracked patients but a booming business worldwide.

A 2012 report pegged international joint replacements at about three million, including 1.4 million hips and 1.1 million knees. The revenues gathered by joint- replacement companies providing mechanical hips, knees, shoulders, elbows, ankles, wrists and digits, are said to reach almost $14 billion and growing, with knees bringing in almost half, and hips accounting for about $6 billion.

In Canada, most new hips go to patients between 55 and 65, says Robarts, though the fastest growing group is 75 to 85. People aged 35 and 45, often suffering from arthritis brought on by congenital hip displacement, is a fast-developing market.

The majority of customers are aging boomers who are suffering from osteoarthritis, a joint disease that occurs when cartilage breaks down and bone overgrows or forms cysts or spurs. Sometimes bits of cartilage or bone are found floating in the joint.

It is an under-recognized public-health crisis, according to the Osteoarthritis Action Alliance in the U.S. and affects one out of 10 Canadians. When the cartilage wears out, the bones in joints rub together causing varying degrees of pain, inflammation and loss of mobility. There is no cure. And the causes are debated.

Dr. Rajiv Prihar, director of the surgical program at the Queensway Carleton Hospital, where they did 1,420 hip and knee replacements last year, says “all roads lead to osteoarthritis of the hip. … We all get arthritis.”

By age 65, 80 to 90 per cent of Canadians will suffer from some form of the disease, Prihar says. Some of the causes include lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, inflammatory arthritis caused by thinning cartilage, infection, trauma and fractures, rheumatism and psoriasis, which can inflame joints, he says.

Other potential causes are said to be genetic, and obesity, but the jury is still out on what role the latter plays in osteoarthritis. Statistics clearly show a correlation between obesity and prevalence of hip and knee replacement, but Prihar says no literature he has seen proves a direct connection between being overweight and developing osteoarthritis.

As well, he says, nothing proves that a more active lifestyle enjoyed by many boomers results in an abundance of worn-out joints and nothing to indicate that incidence of osteoarthritis in on the rise.

Rather, Prihar says, today’s aging boomers are simply better informed than their parents about options and are less willing to suffer chronic impairment.

“There’s a higher expectation of ‘if it’s broken, I want you to fix it,’ ” Prihar says. “People are not prepared to live with arthritic hips or knees.”

Exercise — both high and low — has a positive effect when it comes to reducing the possibility of inflammation. Even those with osteoarthritis are encouraged to swim or cycle and to reduce weight, if they are obese.

Sunnybrook’s Robarts says about 60 per cent of knee replacements and 40 per cent of hip replacements go to obese patients. About 23 per cent of Canadians are classified as obese, according to international standards of body mass index.

A study of findings from the Canadian Joint Replacement Registry indicates “a strong-cross sectional relationship between rates of overweight and obesity and joint replacement surgery.”

And studies now suggest that body fat promotes pro-inflammatory secretions that could play a role in osteoarthritis.

“It is the single biggest modifiable factor,” Robarts says. “If we can reduce obesity we can reduce the need for hip and knee replacement.”

As the numbers of mechanical hip implants has shot up, so has the need to economize and rationalize. Unlike in the U.S., surgery in Canada is not a profit centre. Here, surgeons, surgery, operating rooms, nurses and beds are all a drain on the public purse and hospitals have taken steps to reduce the length of hospital stays and the need for beds and nurses to attend those stuck in them.

And money keeps getting tighter while an aging population demands more.

Ironically, says Montreal’s Fisher, the push to get patients up and out has resulted in improved outcomes. When those with new joints are forced to go home quickly — if proper support is in place — rather than languish in a hospital bed, they start walking quicker and healing faster.

Dr. William Fisher is an orthopedic surgeon at the Montreal General Hospital.

In the past “we didn’t have the same drive to clear the bed,” says Fisher, who hails from Glasgow, where public health costs gave birth to a team approach to joint replacement that is being used today in many centres. “Our pressure was on the costs of nursing here,” Fisher says. In Glasgow, “nursing was not a problem because we didn’t pay our nurses enough. Now (patients) come (into surgery) within two or three hours of entering the hospital.”

Wait times have also been reduced. In Montreal, Fisher says it’s six to nine months. In Ottawa, patients can have their joint changed in as little as three to four months.

“If you spent a year on crutches, your muscles are wasted,” Fisher says.

The quicker one has the procedure, the less atrophied their muscles and the quicker they can recover and begin to enjoy what seems to be miraculous.

Modern hip replacement a success story

In the 1960s, John Charnley pioneered the modern total hip replacement in the U.K. and spent the next two decades refining the procedure.

John Charnley pioneered the modern total hip replacement in the U.K

William Fisher, who replaces joints at the Montreal General Hospital, says little has changed since those early days in the 1960s other than the rapid recovery times associated with austerity. The surgeon’s challenge remains minimal damage to muscles, tendons and nerves.

Anesthetics have improved — most patients remain awake under the influence of an epidural and sedatives — but they are still searching for the perfect replacement materials. Today, Fisher says, they use a chrome-cobalt ball and a titanium shell and stem.

“We have not got an ideal yet,” he says, and work continues on improving the longevity of artificial joints. Today’s man-made hips, depending on the weight of the patient and the wear and tear he exposes it to, can last from 15 to 20 years, sometimes more.

The procedure usually takes between two and two and half hours, though in the assembly-line approach, with someone else opening and closing the patient, the orthopedic surgeon can be finished with a patient in an hour.

Fisher says he prefers to do all the work himself, as well as the meeting of patients and the follow-up.

“People want to see the doctor,” he says. “As a surgeon you can see how rewarding it is. The patient has had this constant nagging pain, days and nights and suddenly he wakes up and it’s gone.”

Using a team approach

With an increasing demand for orthopedic surgery, specifically hip and knee replacements, reduced funding and overworked nurses, Susan Robarts was tasked with finding a solution.

The advanced-practice physiotherapist at Toronto’s Holland Orthopedic & Arthritic Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, began researching ways to minimize a surgeon’s time while maximizing patient care.

In 2007, Robarts essentially became the gatekeeper, requiring referred patients to go through her or a member of her team of six advanced therapists prior to seeing a surgeon. The model is used with success to date. Patients are given a six-minute walk test; their functionality compared with that of others their age; and offered treatment options.

“If we feel it’s appropriate for you to see a surgeon, you will be referred,” she says. “When we see them, it might turn out to be something completely different” than what the referring physician had thought. “It might be a back problem.”

The team sits with doctors, where they discuss referrals, treatment, followup and ongoing patient care.

“From our initial assessment, 30 to 40 per cent don’t see a surgeon,” she says.

This means patients no longer wait months to see a surgeon, only to be told they didn’t need surgery. Patients who are in radical need can see a surgeon in a week, sometimes the same day. People fast-tracked for surgery can have their joint replaced in as little as four weeks. And as physiotherapists, they not only triage referrals, but they prescribe therapy.

“When patients have hip and knee replacement, they need to be followed for life,” says Robarts, whose team oversees 2,200 hip and knee replacements a year, 50 per cent from outside the Greater Toronto Area.

But Robarts worries that as funding gets squeezed, the team approach might be under siege. Staffs of physiotherapists and specialized nurses are a drain on hospitals’ dwindling operating budgets, and despite the efficacy of the approach, she feels threatened.

“While our model of care may not be cheap it adds value to patients and has great potential to reduce overall system costs,” she says.

The team concept went into play at the Queensway Carleton Hospital in 2007 and to other area hospitals in 2010.

Maureen Sly-Havey is an advanced-practice nurse and project manager at the Total Joint Assessment Clinic, Regional Hip and Knee Replacement Program at Queensway Carleton. She was hired in 2007 to start the program at Queensway Carleton and in 2010 for the 1.1 million residents in the Champlain Local Health Integration Network.

She is now in charge of vetting all referrals for replacement surgery in the region. This year she expects the program will do 6,300 initial assessments for the region’s assessment centres at Cornwall, Montfort, Queensway and Pembroke. Last year there were 5,600.

Maureen Sly-Havey is an advanced-practice nurse and project manager at the Total Joint Assessment Clinic, Regional Hip and Knee Replacement Program at the Queensway Carleton Hospital.

If they are appropriate they are sent on to those regions for followup. If not, they are sent back to the referring or family physician with treatment suggestions.

In the Champlain LHIN hip and knee replacements are capped at a little more than 3,000 annually, she says.

It used to take as long as a year before patients could see a surgeon. Now replacement candidates can meet a surgeon in two to four months and have surgery two to six months after that, she says. The team approach allows surgeons to spend more time in surgery and less time in the office.

At Queensway Carleton, candidates for replacement are given a 45-minute checkup by a physiotherapist or nurse that includes a medical history, a physical, a look at X-rays and a presentation of their options.

To qualify for surgery, Sly-Havey says, patients’ conditions are measured based on the severity of their pain, disability and X-rays.

A picture emerges of how a patient functions when the right tests and questions are asked, Sly-Havey says.

“I’ve met plenty of people who have horrible-looking knees and hips and they were functioning perfectly fine. … I have no idea why. Pain is a variable response. This is an elective procedure. Nobody ever has to have their hip and knee replaced.”

Sly-Havey says 40 to 50 per cent of patients do not see a surgeon, either because they don’t want the surgery, haven’t tried more conservative options or are not deemed bad enough.

Those that do can choose their surgeon or hospital, says Sly-Havey. The rest are given alternatives to surgery and their doctors receive a letter recommending steps the physician can take to help moderate symptoms.

“The surgeons respect our assessments; they trust our assessments,” she says.

“There is a feeling of teamwork that maybe there wouldn’t have been 20 years ago.”

Ottawa Citizen

Causes and symptoms of osteoarthritis

Age: Cartilage wears with time

Genetics: Symptoms usually appear by middle age

Weight: Excess weight burdens joints, especially hips and knees, and increases risk of cartilage deterioration.

Injury: Trauma to the joint or overuse can damage the cartilage and lead to osteoarthritis. It is thought many athletes suffer from the disease as a consequence of their sport days.

Other types of arthritis and inflammatory diseases, such as lupus and psoriasis, can lead to osteoarthritis.


  • Deep joint ache and pain, sometimes even at rest
  • Transient joint stiffness after rest
  • Swelling and stiffness in one or more joints
  • Enlarged middle or end joints of fingers or base of thumb
  • Crunching feeling or sound when moving joints
  • Loss of joint flexibility
  • Back and neck pain and stiffness
Alternatives to replacement surgery:

Joint replacement surgery is rarely mandatory and it is up to the patient to decide if the risks of side effects associated with surgery – heart attack, stroke, infection, nerve damage — are a worthy trade-off.

  • Low or no-impact exercise such as walking, swimming, biking and stretching or yoga to increase range of motion and strengthen muscles. “Do whatever you want to do,” says Queensway Carleton nurse practitioner Maureen Sly-Havey. “If it hurts back off or do something else.”
  • Medication: Over the counter anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen or topical anti-inflammatories, can be rubbed into the joints; acetaminophen can be taken for pain. Doctors can prescribe stronger pain relievers and anti-inflammatories. Discuss possible side effects of all medication with your doctor and pharmacist.
  • Walking aids such as a cane, walking poles or walker
  • Weight loss, braces, ice or heat, cortisone injections or viscosupplementation – substances that are injected to try to replace lost cartilage

Source: Maureen Sly-Havey, Queensway Carleton Hospital

