

第一是他们嫌我家countertop太小,说他们有最低要求,可能我没有仔细读deal细则,我好像没看到,后来加上卫生间他们还觉得可以。第二, 好像是个中东老板,他不管设计,只管做, 我们自己对怎么弄还想听专家的呢。

再有就是Granite 和Quartz到底哪种好,可否推荐一下?
第一是他们嫌我家countertop太小,说他们有最低要求,可能我没有仔细读deal细则,我好像没看到,后来加上卫生间他们还觉得可以。第二, 好像是个中东老板,他不管设计,只管做, 我们自己对怎么弄还想听专家的呢。

再有就是Granite 和Quartz到底哪种好,可否推荐一下?

团购的价格的确是有一个最小面积35SQ.FT.的要求,在团购优惠方案的第13页有一项“RESTRICTIONS"。团购的价格优惠是基于两个因素,第一我们VIP GROUP BUY众多的members的参与带来的量;第二每一个参与的家庭购买的量。但是由于Granite 和Quartz购买的特殊性 - 需要切割整块原石,就会产生切割的废料。而且每个购买的家庭所选择的原石都不一样,比如色泽,产地,纹路,厚度等等,而且每个家庭所需要的台面的形状也不同,因此太小的购买面积会产生比较大的废料。由于我们团购的价格原因,商家在计算成本的时候就需要有一个最小面积的购买要求,以保证切割原石时产生的废料成本能被COVER住。

至于您提到的”不管设计,只管做“不是太明白,Granite 和Quartz台面没有什么太多设计,主要是Granite 和Quartz的色泽,产地,纹路,厚度等挑选,至于台面的形状是由你家的柜子决定,这个变动余地不大。如果是要整个厨房做RENOVATION DESIGN,那他们的确是没有这个能力做设计整个厨房这块,因为KITCHEN RENOVATION DESIGN是一个很大的工程,不光包括厨房大理石台面,还包括橱柜,灯具,各种炉具的厨房家电的选择。但是Countertops这块他们的确是专家,有什么问题尽管问他们。

至于Granite 和Quartz到底哪种好,这个每个人有每个人的看法和喜好,不好以偏概全的说那种好哪种不好。下面的信息您可以读读。

An in-depth look at the pros and cons of quartz
As with granite, quartz countertops also have their own sets of drawbacks and benefits that go along with them.
Quartz countertops are just as strong as granite but have the added benefit of being more flexible. This makes them easier to work with during the installation process.
Quartz is non-porous and does not require any sealing – ever. These stones offer a virtually no-maintenance material solution for countertops.
These counters are also very durable but they cannot be considered indestructible either. They are stain-resistant as well so dropping a glass of wine on them simply requires a quick cleanup.
One drawback that you should definitely take note of is these counters can discolor over time when exposed to direct sunlight. If you have a part of your counter that receives some of the UV rays from the sun while another part doesn’t, over time you may see a color difference.
These countertops need to be professionally installed and quartz is even heavier than granite.
You can expect to see seams with a quartz counter but they will be less visible if you choose a slab that’s darker in color. As well, the seams are easier to hide when you choose quartz because the counter has been colored and manufactured. If you buy a quartz countertop in a solid color, it’s much easier to hide the seam to a certain extent.
With granite, the natural veins and colors in the stone will never allow the seams to appear less visible.

The benefits and drawbacks of granite
Here are some of the most important drawbacks and benefits of granite that you need to know:
The appearance is not uniform. These stones are coming right out of the earth and are not perfectly designed by nature. For some this will be a benefit while others will consider it to be a drawback.
Granite countertops will need to be sealed before they are used and this will need to be repeated year after year for as long as you own the countertop. Granite is a porous stone and can only be considered to be stain-resistant if it has been sealed properly. While some people only seal their granite countertops every 3 years, it’s best to be safe and to do it yearly. If for any reason the sealant on the counter gets compromised, your countertop can get stained.
Countertops made of granite are extremely durable but should not be considered to be indestructible. It is a natural rock and can break or chip if subjected to heavy abuse. For regular day-to-day activities though, and with proper maintenance, this is a countertop that can last for a lifetime and beyond.
The stones are heavy and require a professional installation. Don’t even think of hiring your neighborhood handyman to put in your new countertop to save a few dollars.
It’s impossible to hide the seams in a granite counter. Expect the seams to show up once it has been installed.
The samples that you see can slightly differ from the stone that you receive. Keep in mind that these are naturally occurring slabs so the samples cannot be a true 100% reflection of the stone you are ordering. There may be color variances or occlusions in the stone you receive that gives the slab a slightly different appearance.