How much money did you put in this sublet? The way I see it, there are two things you can do.
1. Fight back, but keep in mind you don't take it seriously. Don't let it bother you. Have some fun doing it.
When she shouts at you again, you shout back. Tell her to shut the fxxk up. Tell her to take her words and shove them up her fat ass. There are two potential benefits from this: fighting back may make you feel better, and second, the bitch may think twice before she wants to shout at you again. If she goes nuts on you, for example, threaten you physically, or throw your things out, you have the right to call the police. A landlord is forbidden by law to throw out a tenant. The police has a tendency to take your side in this kind of situation.
2. Get the hell out of there. After a long day of work or school, we all want to go home and have some peach and quiet. Who needs to go home to a bitch. It's simply not worth it.
I recommend the second option.