Read the messages top security officials were exchanging as Hill shooting unfolded

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It was 10:05 a.m. on Oct. 22 when three of the country’s top national security officials started exchanging messages.

Someone – a male, possibly military – had been shot at the National War Memorial.

There were reports of a shooter inside the Centre Block on Parliament Hill.

Events were unfolding fast, and François Guimont, the deputy minister at Public Safety Canada, was desperately seeking information from RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson and Stephen Rigby, the prime minister’s national security adviser.

“Told a shooting has taken place at the war memorial here … (Not clear) possibly a military – any insights-info?” Guimont wrote in a message to Paulson and Rigby.

Find and secure your Minister.

Ten minutes later, Rigby responded: “Not clear yet. Still a fog.” Then, ominously, “Find and secure your Minister.”

The emails and text messages, obtained by the Citizen, offer a glimpse of the frenzied activity at Public Safety Canada on the day of the shooting.

The messages reveal how senior officials tried to swiftly sort through the chaotic swirl of information and misinformation, while also working to ensure cabinet members and public servants were safe.

There was much for officials to sort through: reports of multiple shooters on Parliament Hill; an alleged third shooting at the Rideau Centre; reports of shooters on the rooftops and suspects running into buildings in downtown Ottawa – all of which turned out to be false. Federal IT systems were overwhelmed and government workers were asked to stay off their mobile devices for everything but emergencies, so as not to overtax the system.

There were also messages of support — including from American officials who wanted to express condolences and be kept informed.

It was just before 10 a.m. when Cpl. Nathan Cirillo was killed at the National War Memorial. Minutes later, Zehaf-Bibeau was dead after a shootout with security officials in the Hall of Honour outside the Library of Parliament, steps from a room where Prime Minister Stephen Harper was meeting his caucus.

Within 20 minutes of the shootout in the Centre Block, Harper was hustled out of the building.

“PM now left Hill. PCO relocated to alternative site. Unsure of number of potential shooters, status or location,” Guimont wrote in a mass email at 10:15 a.m.

Five minutes later, Paulson wrote to Guimont and Rigby: “Suspect shot and down inside House of Commons. Unconfirmed … will confirm …”

Federal IT systems were overwhelmed, according to a message at 11:05 a.m.

By early afternoon, the Americans were calling. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson wanted to “confer” with Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney. That request, like other demands for briefings from top security officials, was difficult to fulfil: Blaney was in lockdown in the Centre Block and couldn’t be easily reached.

Guimont received his first email to check on how he was doing at 10:27 a.m. The conversation with Matthew King, deputy minister at Fisheries and Oceans, was a series of short messages over five minutes.

“Are you guys locked down?” King wrote to Guimont.

“Yes-you?” Guimont responded.

“Yes. Crazy-ass shit,” King said.

“Unbelievable,” Guimont said.

“That it is,” King replied.

Guimont was “off-site” and “in lockdown too,” according to one message, just like departmental staff. When those workers and others on lockdown in the downtown core would be allowed to leave was becoming a more pressing issue. One message to Guimont from an unknown sender said, “People have kids in schools. We need Ottawa police clearance to say whether people can go home.”

Some were allowed to leave at the end of their usual workday, others in early evening.

In the evening, Guimont and other senior officials started thanking their staff for their work during the day to keep people informed and safe. Shortly before 8 p.m., Guimont wrote to Blaney in French, checking whether the minister was still OK.

“Yes, phew!” Blaney responded in French. “We are going to be busy.”

Oct. 22 – through emails and text messages at Public Safety Canada

10:05 a.m.

“Told a shooting has taken place at the war memorial here … (Not clear) possibly a military – any insights-info?” Public Safety deputy minister François Guimont writes to RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson and national security adviser Stephen Rigby.

Rigby responds 10 minutes later: “Not clear yet. Still a fog. Find and secure your Minister.”

10:07 a.m.

“We have few details but a male has apparently been shot at the national war memorial in Ottawa. This may be a soldier. We are working,” Craig Oldham, director general of the Government Operations Centre, writes in a mass email.

10:15 a.m.

“PM now left Hill. PCO relocated to alternative site. Unsure of number of potential shooters, status or location,” reads a mass email sent by Guimont.

10:19 a.m.

A message goes out to employees: “A situation is unfolding that compels all employees to shelter-in-place. For employees’ and your own safety, pleased DO NOT exit the building until further notice. Please wait to receive further instructions.”

10:20 a.m.

“Suspect shot and down inside house of commons. Unconfirmed … will confirm …” Paulson writes Guimont and Rigby.

10:21 a.m.

“Ottawa Police telling us that suspect has been shot on the Hill. Possible second suspect in Library – not confirmed. Hill is in lockdown. Identity of victim is not yet confirmed to be military,” Guimont writes.

10:27 a.m. – 10:32 a.m.

“Are you guys locked down?” Matthew King, deputy minister Fisheries and Oceans, writes to Guimont.

“Yes-you?” Guimont responds.

“Yes. Crazy-ass shit.”


“That it is.”

11:05 a.m.

“Federal IT systems are overwhelmed, it seems. One shooter confirmed down but not deceased. Second shooter is reported active on Hill or in area,” Guimont writes.

12:11 p.m.

“OPS [Ottawa Police] are stating shootings were War Memorial, Parliament and now Rideau Centre. One shooter is dead. No certainty about other numbers. GOC [Government Operations Centre] is coord with PCO/TBS with regard to lock down of employees. OPS have also asked GOC to ensure employees stay inside and asked GOC to be their point of contact for when the lock down can be lifted. We are also messaging OGD [other government departments] to tell employees to not use any mobile devices unless they have an urgent operational reason to do so,” Oldham writes.

1:21 p.m.

“Secretary of Homeland Security would like to confer with the Minister. [Government Operations Centre] can arrange as required (something we do) or provide a U.S. point of contact to make arrangements if there is preference we not facilitate,” Oldham writes in an email to multiple people, including Andrew House, chief of staff to Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney.

1:26 p.m.

“Min is still locked down inside Centre Block. I am conferring with RCMP Protective shortly. Please tell DHS [Department of Homeland Security] that speaking with the Secretary is a top priority and we are working to facilitate ASAP,” House responds.

1:52 p.m.

“I am thinking of you and my other friends in your government right now. I hope you are each OK. If possible, I would like to call you later and check in with you and get a report,” writes Jeh Johnson, U.S. secretary of homeland security, to Blaney and his staff.

1:59 p.m.

Guimont and associate deputy minister at Public Safety Canada John Ossowski send out a note to departmental employees: “First of all, we are reassured that you are all safe. … Public Safety’s NCR Buildings remain in lockdown. Employees in our buildings should not be going outside and are advised to stay away from windows and external doors. We are off-site and are in lockdown too. … During this time, please restrict the use of your mobile devices and other IT services, including email and internet, to emergency use only in order to avoid overloading the networks. We will continue to keep you informed.”

2:43 p.m.

“Who is dealing with Ottawa police. I need to know when the lockdown can be lifted. All depts calling me,” Yaprak Baltacioglu, secretary of the Treasury Board, writes to Guimont.

“Looking into it,” Guimont responds three minutes later.

2:50 p.m.

“People have kids in schools. We need Ottawa police clearance to say whether people can go home,” reads an email to Guimont.

2:58 p.m.

“To know who will call off the lock down – the conveyance is to be done by TBS [Treasury Board Secretariat], but question is who will make the call?? – pls discuss – need answer,” Guimont writes in an email to Lynda Clairmont, a senior assistant deputy minister in Public Safety, and David Vigneault, a Privy Council official charged with assisting cabinet on security and intelligence issues.

3:18 p.m.

“Please know that I am thinking of you and your colleagues – our close partners – at this difficult time. We stand ready to assist in whatever way we can,” writes Alejandro Mayorkas, deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Guimont writes back a minute later: “Thks for this. Much appreciated. This is difficult. We are all pulling together.”

3:41 p.m.

“We as per the ops centre email sent direction to departments to limit the lockdown to Downtown core…. Rest we told them they could go home at regular hours,” Guimont is told.

4:40 p.m.

“Occupants of 340 Laurier Avenue West and 269 Laurier Avenue West are out of the lockdown zone and can leave at their usual departure times. The lockdown perimeter still includes the 257 Slater Street building so these occupants continue to be in a lockdown situation until further notice,” reads a note to Public Safety employees. “For those leaving the buildings, police are also asking all citizens to be vigilant in their travels within the downtown core.”

4:53 p.m.

“My thoughts are with all the military folks. Pass on to Tom (Lawson, Chief of Defence Staff). This is unbelievable and very sad,” Guimont writes to Richard Fadden, his counterpart at National Defence.

Fadden’s response: “Shall do. Merci.”

5:49 p.m.

Guimont writes Oldham and his team: “Want to thank you and all the team for the work.”

Oldham responds: “Thank you Deputy. I will pass that onto the team in the morning.”

6:09 p.m.

Ossowski writes Cathy Collins, security director at Public Safety, after her latest update to staff on the situation: “Thanks Cathy – a tragic day, but glad you were there to keep our team safe. Please pass along our thanks to the entire security team.”

7:35 p.m.

“Everything ok on your end?” Guimont writes Blaney in French.

“Yes, phew!” Blaney responds at 8:11 p.m. “We are going to be busy.”

“We are going to work hard and as a team,” Guimont responds at 8:12 p.m.

9:56 p.m.

Blaney responds to Johnson: “While we were locked down in Parliament, I got your supportive message. I must tell you I shared it with members and senators it helped us carry the day during those stressful 7 hours. They say you know your real friends in tough times. Once again, you are proving we are not just neighbours, we are much more than that, we are friends.”

