Peter Raaymakers: Time to update OC Transpo fare structure

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When Ottawa launched the Presto payment system on the OC Transpo fleet last year, it was a welcome (if overdue) change to the old, outdated way of managing fares. A digital wallet offers vast convenience for users, with its auto-reload feature removing the need to scrounge for change on a daily or monthly basis. Its tracking of rides and fares paid is also of interest, especially come tax time when reports can be generated quickly to take advantage of the federal public transit tax credit.

But even when this digital system was launched, OC Transpo didn’t change their fare structures at all. We still have limited options on our buses, mainly boiling down to single fares or a pre-paid monthly pass. In essence, OC Transpo is continuing to operate its analog fare structure under a digital system. The Presto system is not being used to its capacity.

Pre-paid monthly passes are outdated within the Presto system. They force the user to front OC Transpo more than $100 at the beginning of the month, which is not an insignificant sum for many riders. Although it’s billed as a slight savings over regular fares, as little as two sick days in a month would result in the monthly pass costing more than daily fares would.

Prepaid monthly passes also pose a potential threat to the validity of Presto-based ridership numbers, since there’s really no need for pass-holders to tap their card – they’re not scamming the system by not doing so. If OC Transpo wants people to tap their cards — which they should, since it provides them with perfectly accurate ridership figures — they need to incentivize that tapping.

(There are other tap-related flaws in OC Transpo’s Presto structure. Someone who purchases a DayPass with their Presto card receives a physical ticket, and after the initial purchase must not tap their card — otherwise, they’d be charged another fare. Similarly, seniors taking advantage of free Wednesday service are told not to tap their cards. Both circumstances run counter to OC Transpo’s many signs instructing riders to “always tap your card.”)

Ensuring that riders always tap would require the implementation of some sort of loyalty program, similar to what other regional users of Presto have in place. Mississauga, for instance, has a weekly loyalty program where you pay for your first 12 fares and any further rides are free. Hamilton offers free service after 11 rides in a week. Oakville has a monthly loyalty program with free service after 37 rides in a month.

Oakville’s system would be a good model for OC Transpo, since the numbers work out well: An adult monthly pass for OC Transpo is $100.75, which is the equivalent of just over 36 normal fares (which are $2.77 with Presto). Converting the current prepaid monthly pass to a monthly loyalty program would offer convenience and potential costs-savings to riders, would encourage people to consistently tap their cards, and is obviously something the Presto system is capable of handling.

Another option would be a tiered structure, where the first 10 rides are one price, the next 10 a lower price, and so on — although that poses the risk of alienating users who don’t care to think about a more complicated fare structure.

Separately, prizes (like special, limited-edition OC Transpo swag), loyalty “points,” or special recognition (such as a golden Presto card, for instance) could be offered to some of OC Transpo’s most committed users. It sounds nerdy, but these types of rewards work for many businesses. A common refrain in government is that services need to be run more like businesses, and this is one way where that mantra takes on a positive slant.

The bottom line, though, is that Presto offers a huge number of possibilities for OC Transpo, and out utility has so far failed to take advantage of many of them. In order to better justify the $25-million cost associated with Presto’s rollout, that needs to change.

Peter Raaymakers lives in Ottawa. He is the founder and executive director of

