Adami: Tenants angry as landlord opts for paid visitor parking to stop Montfort Hospital...

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Tenants at Montfort Manor, an east-end apartment building, say they are mortified and insulted that family and friends have to pay for parking on the property or face a $55 fine.

The landlord says the fees — $1 an hour, $5 for 12 hours or $7 for a full 24-hour period — were introduced last June 1 as an attempt to discourage people going to the Montfort Hospital from using the Manor’s visitors’ lot, where they used to park for free rather than face hefty rates charged at the hospital lot. The properties are adjoining.

But according to the tenants, many of whom are seniors, the plan has failed and the landlord should return to the old system, whereby visitors obtained temporary parking permits through the building superintendent or faced towing.

Tenants say the Montfort Hospital visitors still park at the apartment building because it’s still a lot cheaper than the hospital lot rates of $3.50 for 30 minutes, $13 for the day or $17 for 24 hours. But the landlord, Q Residential, counters that though the fees haven’t completely stopped the problem, apartment visitors now have a much easier time finding a parking spot.

(There is a discrepancy in the actual number of visitors’ spots at the 11-storey building on Langs Road: Q Residential says there are 14 visitors’ spots, including two for disabled drivers, while the tenants and I count 12, two of which are designated for the disabled.)

About half the tenants in the approximately 175 units are seniors, and many have health problems. Some seniors say they like or depend on family or friends to drop by to see if they are OK. Denise Brisebois, for example, goes to the building at least once daily to check up on her ailing mother. The parking costs “adds up,” she says. Her sister has already been nailed with a $55 ticket for an expired parking receipt on her dashboard.

The son of Fernande Louise-Seize, a longtime tenant of the building, also found a $55 ticket on his windshield recently. Mom was probably angriest: “I was so insulted,” she says.

Tenants say it doesn’t matter now who parks at the building as long as there’s a receipt on the dashboard.

As tenant Louis Bourré ruefully notes: “They’ve legalized parking for everybody.”

Brenda Williams, Q Residential operations manager, says the landlord brought in paid visitors’ parking at its two other Ottawa properties — on Lees Avenue and Cambridge Street North — at the same time. The complaints, she says, have only really come from Montfort Manor, and most were lodged are seniors.

“Seniors who don’t like change,” she says.

Having visitors pay for parking appears to be slowly sprouting up at other multi-unit rental properties in Ottawa.

Williams says changing back to the old system is “not something that is up for discussion.” Apartment building staff do not have time to hand out permits and chase away motorists who have no business parking there.

Williams says something had to be done as the parking situation was getting out of hand. Many Montfort Manor tenants had complained about hospital visitors parking on the property, leaving family and friends with nowhere to leave their cars. True, say the tenants, but it’s just as bad now, and on top of that, visitors have to pay.

The operations manager was adamant that the system wasn’t a cash grab, saying that the landlord doesn’t get any of the money charged by Budget Parking, the company it hired to manage the visitors’ lot. Violators are issued tickets from the City of Ottawa, which shares the ticket revenue.

Chuck Bergeron says the system can also create headaches for visitors if they stay longer than the time they paid for and then discover a ticket on the windshield. He says his sons are fed up having to pay.

Others say they offer to pay the charges for friends and family.

And then there are those such as Francine Fournier: “I’m embarrassed to ask my friend over for a coffee.”

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