

Canadian ISPs required by law to notify users of illegal downloads
Jan 3, 2015



Adam Westlake

January 1st saw a new law, part of the Copyright Modernization Act, go into effect in Canada that requires internet service providers and website hosts to notify their users when copyright holders have detected illegal downloading. When an ISP now receives a letter of complaint from a copyright holder, they must forward it to the customer tied to the IP address associated with the download, or face fines of up to $10,000. The same applies to VPN (virtual private network) services, who must also record customer logs for a least 6 months.

There are no immediate legal consequences tied to the notices, but they are good for ISPs, as it protects them from any lawsuits from copyright holders. One attorney specializing in the internet notes that for users who receive the letters, there is no legal requirement that they stop the illegal downloading, or that website owners take down the content they may be sharing, but it does open the door for a copyright holder's lawsuit. Fines for individuals can be as high as $5,000 if copyrighted content was downloaded for personal use, while downloads for commercial gain can get a max of $20,000.

This system is meant to act as an informal way to compel users to stop their illegal downloads, as it's unlikely that copyright holders would begin a lawsuit for such a small financial gain (especially when the legal fees would be higher). But, the attorney notes, copyright holders could be interested in suing a large number of people at once, and if a user meets the requirements they could easily be added to the list.

The law also protects ISPs and website hosts in that they are not required to give over users' personal information unless a lawsuit begins. But they must keep a 6 month record of who letters were sent to, again in the case of a lawsuit. This is bad for VPN services, as the aspect of anonymity is a key feature, and in order for them to comply, they must keep 6 months' of access data, something that could be very expensive or difficult for small businesses.
Canadian ISPs required by law to notify users of illegal downloads
Jan 3, 2015



Adam Westlake

January 1st saw a new law, part of the Copyright Modernization Act, go into effect in Canada that requires internet service providers and website hosts to notify their users when copyright holders have detected illegal downloading. When an ISP now receives a letter of complaint from a copyright holder, they must forward it to the customer tied to the IP address associated with the download, or face fines of up to $10,000. The same applies to VPN (virtual private network) services, who must also record customer logs for a least 6 months.

There are no immediate legal consequences tied to the notices, but they are good for ISPs, as it protects them from any lawsuits from copyright holders. One attorney specializing in the internet notes that for users who receive the letters, there is no legal requirement that they stop the illegal downloading, or that website owners take down the content they may be sharing, but it does open the door for a copyright holder's lawsuit. Fines for individuals can be as high as $5,000 if copyrighted content was downloaded for personal use, while downloads for commercial gain can get a max of $20,000.

This system is meant to act as an informal way to compel users to stop their illegal downloads, as it's unlikely that copyright holders would begin a lawsuit for such a small financial gain (especially when the legal fees would be higher). But, the attorney notes, copyright holders could be interested in suing a large number of people at once, and if a user meets the requirements they could easily be added to the list.

The law also protects ISPs and website hosts in that they are not required to give over users' personal information unless a lawsuit begins. But they must keep a 6 month record of who letters were sent to, again in the case of a lawsuit. This is bad for VPN services, as the aspect of anonymity is a key feature, and in order for them to comply, they must keep 6 months' of access data, something that could be very expensive or difficult for small businesses.

你只提醒同胞这事, 是不是有歧视同胞的嫌疑?
我理解,哪有纯粹的online? 都是下到本地缓存里头播放的。 数据会stream到你本地, 顶多就是不存就是了, 数据流只要存在, ISP那里就有记录, 就能拿着记录找你罚款。
联邦法院周四(20日)作出了一个非常重要的决定:命令安省网络提供商Teksavvy向原告Voltage Picture电影公司交出2000名涉嫌下载盗版电影的用户姓名和住址信息。在此之前,业者起诉非法下载的加拿大用户时,只能得到用户的IP地址。联邦法院的这个决定意味着用户的其他信息在将来也将成为法庭上的证据,这无疑为加拿大反盗版战争掀开新的一页。
加国“著作权法”(Copyright Act)底下的“通知 通知”法条(Notice and Notice),将从明年1月2日正式上路,未来版权拥有者如发现遭人侵权,网络或网站公司必须采取相关行动,否则面临罚款。
我理解,哪有纯粹的online? 都是下到本地缓存里头播放的。 数据会stream到你本地, 顶多就是不存就是了, 数据流只要存在, ISP那里就有记录, 就能拿着记录找你罚款。
你只提醒同胞这事, 是不是有歧视同胞的嫌疑?



中国有三千万男同胞没女朋友, 您去解决问题么?
我理解,哪有纯粹的online? 都是下到本地缓存里头播放的。 数据会stream到你本地, 顶多就是不存就是了, 数据流只要存在, ISP那里就有记录, 就能拿着记录找你罚款。


中国有三千万男同胞没女朋友, 您去解决问题么?

据说资本主义有个理论, 就是一定要把失业率保持在5%以上, 因为这样才能让那些即使现在有工作的人兢兢业业, 没工作的人提高自己去找到工作, 即保持全体人民的竞争力。找配偶的原理也是一样的, 保持一定的人找不到, 才能激发他们提高自己竞争力的积极性。三千万, 也就是总男性人口的不到5%。

你搞经济的, 你应该懂这个吧。