主办:East Gate Alliance Church/渥太华国语宣道会
地址:550 Codd's Rd., Ottawa (欣华学校对面, 过Montreal Rd.)
时间:Tuesdays 7:00-8:00 pm, Starting Jan. 13
教师:Liliette (法语母语、英语教学)
登记:无需登记,也可以电邮 annie654321@hotmail.com 咨询(请用英语或者法语)
You can e-mail the teacher at annie654321@hotmail.com or just drop by next Tuesday to attend the class if you are interested.
地址:550 Codd's Rd., Ottawa (欣华学校对面, 过Montreal Rd.)
时间:Tuesdays 7:00-8:00 pm, Starting Jan. 13
教师:Liliette (法语母语、英语教学)
登记:无需登记,也可以电邮 annie654321@hotmail.com 咨询(请用英语或者法语)
You can e-mail the teacher at annie654321@hotmail.com or just drop by next Tuesday to attend the class if you are interested.