
  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 shaow
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92 Honda Accord is difficult to start when hot from last month. Changed a new battery and air filter. Canadian Tire fully checked the car, they can't find the problem. Changed a new PCV valve doesn't help. The car sometimes works OK and sometimes not.

Please fell free to give me your tips or help me to fix this problem.

CT里都是傻瓜,他们瞎抓还休不好车,找个别的小修车行试试 :)
check Main Relay
去年夏天我的92年accord也由此毛病,在dealer换了main reley, 也可自己换。里面的触点受热粘连。

1. 把车起动后2000到2500转/分,开2分钟,KOEO, 测"车载计算机的错误代码".
2. 关闭发动机,断开电池负极5分钟.再接上.
3. 再把车起动后,驾驶20分钟,KOEO,测"车载计算机的错误代码".
4. 若两次测得"车载计算机的错误代码"相同.
5. 上网,autorepair.about.com 查相关错误代码含义.
6. 进一步确定有关部件问题. 电子系统出问题的可能性大.
7. 可去Canadian Tire 购买"日本车"专门的"Car Codes Reader" $30到$60.

最初由 shaow 发布
92 Honda Accord is difficult to start when hot from last month. Changed a new battery and air filter. Canadian Tire fully checked the car, they can't find the problem. Changed a new PCV valve doesn't help. The car sometimes works OK and sometimes not.

Please fell free to give me your tips or help me to fix this problem.

Hi All,

Thanks very much for your help. I changed the main relay a week ago. The car works very well last week. I bought the main relay from Honda dealer. It costs $96.

At first, I have difficulty to find the location of the main relay. The main relay is not located as the picture shows in http://techauto.tripod.com/mainrelaydefine.htm . I think the website provided the location of the main relay is America model.

In my car, the main relay is located on upfront of fuse box. It screwed on the left side of the car body and covered by a 10x10 cm (roughly) small box ( I don't remember the name of the box). It is very difficult to see the main relay, if you don't take off the box. After took off the box, it is easy to took the main relay off.

I think this information maybe useful for someone.

Thanks again for your help.

Sorry, I don't have the Chinese software to type Chinese.