
If it is a brand new car(within two year of purchase), the compensation will be the purchase price of your car or the price to buy a brand new car(which one is lower) less the deduction. Otherwise, it is based on the market price(then it is hard to say).

It won't take too long to get the response. Good luck.
My car was stolen. My insurance company has declared the total loss of the car. How long will it normally take the company to decide how much compensation I can get? Will the insurance company keep paying my rental car until I receive their cheque? Thanks.
Sorry for the lost.
Usually if you recently purchase anything for the car and have receipts, you can claim them thru insurance.

Most remarkable items are snow tires, if your purchase a set of snow tires for the winter and vehicle was stolen. You can let them decide the price and then remit receipt for your tires purchase and get additional reimbursement.

Good luck.