27"Sony TV has been sold out.

Re: Sony TV, Pureflat, 7 months old, On Sale(picture)

The price for a new one of the same model in future shop is 659+tax and the buyer can get $50 gift card to buy any other thing in future shop and there is one year free gureentee. I saw it in futureshop at southkey yesterday.

最初由 Noteasy 发布
Sony Flatscreen TV, bought from Future Shop, only 7 months old, receipt available, due to moving to other city, must sell it out for $599.99,also you can take that TV Stand for free. now the new one is priced at $800,( 699.99+tax ) from the website.

SanYo, CD player, Cassette and radio Combo, $20

if you have interest, call me at 613-792-3744, or email to xiaomingwang2003@hotmail.com
Yes, you are right.

So I lower the price again to $499.99, how about this price, anyway, I want to sell it out, so always I keep my price competitive.

If you want, call ASAP.
What kind of warranty does it have? factory or futureshop extended warranty? for how long?
Thank you
最初由 Dallas 发布

do you know how much for the Sony TV, do you know the image quality difference between sony and other brand, if you like, you also can buy one from China, haha...
Your opinion are partially right. the main reason is that I have changed my idea,and I want to cancel the long distance moving service, and sell it out at a lower price.
sigh... 这也不行。他卖699的时候,很多人劝过他,电视是个贬值很快的东西,他给每人回了一贴,说了一大堆道理。与其被商店的价往下压,不如早点降价卖掉。

最初由 maid 发布
sigh... 这也不行。他卖699的时候,很多人劝过他,电视是个贬值很快的东西,他给每人回了一贴,说了一大堆道理。与其被商店的价往下压,不如早点降价卖掉。

Hi,Maid,you keep so close watch on my TV, maybe before you have some intention to buy it, if it is true, it's so pity.
