请支持林有基牧师在万国儿童布道团(Children Evangelism Fellowship) 的事工



Support Pastor Lam's ministry with CEF (Children Evangelic Fellowship) Ontario

As you may know, Pastor Lam, the former Pastor of Children and Family of our church, is now a missionary with CEF and he needs to raise fund to carry out his ministries. The work of CEF among Ontario's children is vital and urgent and effective. You can be part of this fruitful ministry by donating to the work as follows:

By Cheque ----Simply make a cheque payable to:
CEF Ontario
335 Robinson Road, RR #4
Brantford ON
N3T 5L7
Please indicate the donation is for Pastor Gabriel Lam if your donation is to support Pastor Lam.

By Credit Card ----We can process donations through VISA, MASTERCARD, or AMERICAN EXPRESS. Simply call the CEF office at 1-877-788-8233. They will need the credit card number, expiry date, name, donation amount, and the designation.

By Preauthorized Donation Plan ---- If you would like to make a fixed monthly donation, it's easy to do through their pre-authorized plan. You specify how much the monthly donation should be, and tell them whether you want it to come from your bank account on the 1st or 15th of each month. Simply contact their office at 1-877-788-8233, and they'll help you get that set up.

Online ---- For those who wish to donate online CEF makes use of a service called "Canada Helps". This service processes online donations on behalf of Canadian charities. When you use this service you will receive an income tax receipt from Canada Helps, rather than from CEF Ontario. To donate in this way please click on the Canada Helps logo.Donate through CanadaHelps.org

Pastor Lam is grateful for any donation, large or small. He strives to make every dollar count for the cause of reaching boys and girls with the Gospel. Thank you so much for your help.

Note: * Please indicate the donation is for Pastor Gabriel Lam if your donation is to support Pastor Lam. * All donations are receipted in January. * Donations may only be designated to board approved projects, which includes CEF staff members. If a project is overfunded, surplus funds will be applied to other needs at the discretion of the board. * Above information is copied and modified from http://www.cefontario.org/donate.php
Pastor Gabriel 是我们教会的前儿童家庭事工牧师。现在受主呼召担任CEF Onario (安大略万国儿童布道团) 渥太华地区主任。

在担任教会儿童家庭牧师时期,Pastor Gabriel 在英语讲道、家长培训、以及主日学老师培训方面表现出极大的恩赐。目前社会风气日趋腐败、学校教育特别是儿童教育逐渐被自由派极端思潮所操控、以致出现自由党省政府一意孤行强制推行由一位已经认罪判刑的儿童性罪犯 Ben Levin 主持制定的极端性教育大纲的情况。神呼召这么一位有真理装备、有讲道恩赐、有勇气对罪恶说不的仆人从事这一艰巨的事工一定有他的美意。弟兄姊妹若有感动支持他的事工可以直接按联结网页上的方式奉献或者和我联系。如果您愿意进一步了解他的事工也可以和我联系。
我至今还记得他带孩子们读诗,唱歌时候的天真烂漫的样子 :zhichi: