here is the list. if you are interested, send me QQH. price flexible.
Text books:
(Sold)1.Calculus,Deborah Hughes-Hallett Andrew M. Gleason, et al. (real book)
for MAT1320 $20
following are copies of textbooks: (priced $10-20)
2.Foundations of Algorithms
Using C++ Pseudocode (second Edition)
CSI3105 Notes (with some assignments and solutions)
3.Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals
(Sold)4. Prolog Programming A First Course Paul Brna
(Sold)5. Broadband CDMA Systems (Notes) Carleton Univ.
6. Data and Computer Communications (sixth edition) William Stallings
CSI 4118
CSI4118 Notes
7. CSI 1100 Notes
8. CSI 1101 Notes (2 copies, with some assignments and solutions)
9. CSI3125 Notes
10. Concepts of Programming Languages (fifth edition)
11. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice (second edition) William Stallings
12. ECO 1192 Notes and Textbook
13. CSI 2165 Notes and lab exercises
14. CSI2131 Notes
15. CSI 2121 Notes and exercises
16. Computer Networks and Internets with Internet Applications (third edition)
CSI 4104
CSI 4104 Notes
17. CSI 3150 Notes and assignments
18. CSI 2910 partial notes
(Sold)19. Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering with UML and Java
and a book about TCP/IP in Chinese
Text books:
(Sold)1.Calculus,Deborah Hughes-Hallett Andrew M. Gleason, et al. (real book)
for MAT1320 $20
following are copies of textbooks: (priced $10-20)
2.Foundations of Algorithms
Using C++ Pseudocode (second Edition)
CSI3105 Notes (with some assignments and solutions)
3.Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals
(Sold)4. Prolog Programming A First Course Paul Brna
(Sold)5. Broadband CDMA Systems (Notes) Carleton Univ.
6. Data and Computer Communications (sixth edition) William Stallings
CSI 4118
CSI4118 Notes
7. CSI 1100 Notes
8. CSI 1101 Notes (2 copies, with some assignments and solutions)
9. CSI3125 Notes
10. Concepts of Programming Languages (fifth edition)
11. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice (second edition) William Stallings
12. ECO 1192 Notes and Textbook
13. CSI 2165 Notes and lab exercises
14. CSI2131 Notes
15. CSI 2121 Notes and exercises
16. Computer Networks and Internets with Internet Applications (third edition)
CSI 4104
CSI 4104 Notes
17. CSI 3150 Notes and assignments
18. CSI 2910 partial notes
(Sold)19. Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering with UML and Java
and a book about TCP/IP in Chinese