Duffy's day in court: Your guide to the suspended senator's trial

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Suspended Sen. Mike Duffy’s criminal trial starts Tuesday. Here’s what you need to know:

The Duffy dossier:

Born in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island in 1946.

Worked in radio there and for the Charlottetown Guardian newspaper before moving to Montreal, then on to Ottawa in 1971, where he reported for CFRA.

Joined CBC’s Parliament Hill bureau in 1974 and moved to CTV in 1988 to host a Sunday public-affairs talk show, Sunday Edition. In 1999, he took up his last job in journalism, hosting politics shows on CTV Newsnet.

The recipient of multiple honorary degrees, Duffy was named to the Canadian Association of Broadcasters hall of fame in 1994.

Sanctioned by the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council in 2008 for airing tape of embarrassing “false starts” by the Liberal party’s then-leader Stéphane Dion in an interview with CTV’s Atlantic Canada affiliate; the recording emphasized Dion’s weak English as he struggled with a convoluted question from CTV’s Steve Murphy.

Pleaded guilty to impaired driving in 1990. Lost a tax court case in the mid-1990s over an attempt to claim clothes he wore on the air as a tax-deductible “uniform.”

Appointed to the Senate to represent Prince Edward Island in December 2008 by Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Threw himself into Conservative work, including travelling extensively to campaign for the party’s candidates.

Came under scrutiny in 2012 for claiming expenses for staying in his Ottawa home, treating it as a “secondary residence” for which he was entitled to claim compensation.

Resigned from the Conservative caucus in May 2013. Suspended from the Senate that November. Charged criminally in July 2014. Denies wrongdoing.

The charges:

Duffy faces 31 counts, grouped into four clusters:

Expense claims for his Ottawa house, based on the notion that it was a secondary residence he kept so he would have a place to stay while in the capital for Senate duties. One count of fraud over $5,000, one count of breach of trust.

Expense claims unrelated to Senate business, such as claiming pay for days he was on vacation or campaigning for the Conservative party. Five counts of fraud under $5,000, four counts of fraud over $5,000, nine counts of breach of trust.

Awarding consulting contracts to his friend Gerry Donohue, which the RCMP say were for work Donohue didn’t really do. Two counts of fraud under $5,000, two counts of fraud over $5,000, four counts of breach of trust.

Accepting $90,000 from the prime minister’s chief of staff, Nigel Wright, so he could pay back some of the expense claims and smother the growing scandal. One count of bribery, one count of fraud on the government, one count of breach of trust.

Who’s who in court:

The trial will be before Judge Charles Vaillancourt, who’s been on the bench more than 24 years. A Sault Ste. Marie native, he normally sits in Toronto but has heard cases in Ottawa before (including, recently, the trial of two police officers accused of beating a homeless man in Sandy Hill). He’s on the Ontario Court of Justice, where the bulk of the work is criminal cases.

The prosecutors are Mark Holmes and Jason Neubauer, both of whom have been Crown attorneys in Ottawa for about 15 years. They have multiple complex cases under their belts, including murders and frauds. Defence lawyers describe them both as careful, experienced and extremely well-prepared. They’re also assigned to prosecute former Liberal senator Mac Harb this summer, on charges related to his own expense claims in the Senate.

Donald Bayne, legal counsel for suspended Senator Mike Duffy.

Duffy’s defence lawyer is Donald Bayne, of Ottawa’s Bayne Sellar Boxall. He’s a criminal-law specialist of 36 years’ standing who’s won the top award for service to the law from Canada’s Criminal Lawyers’ Association. His most recent high-profile client was Hassan Diab, the university professor wanted in France on allegations he bombed a Paris synagogue in 1980; Bayne unsuccessfully fought Diab’s extradition, a years-long effort that included a Supreme Court appearance.

Ottawa Courthouse courtroom #33 where Senator Mike Duffy’s trial will be heard starting Tuesday April 7.

How the trial works:

The case will be heard by a judge alone, rather than by a judge and jury. This will mean more open news coverage of what happens in court: in jury trials, reporters can only relate what happened in the courtroom while the jury is present, meaning long legal wrangles over things like the admissibility of evidence go unreported. Judges hearing cases alone are assumed to be unswayed by any media coverage so the rules on what the public can be told are looser.

Forty-one days of court time have been blocked out, in two chunks: Weekdays from April 7 to May 12, then from June 1 to June 19. Judge Vaillancourt can add days — potentially after another break — if that turns out not to be enough time.

Court is expected to sit from 10 a.m. to roughly 4:30 each day of the trial after the day, April 7, (when it begins at 10:30). The judge decides exactly when the court’s day ends and when to take breaks.

Both the Crown and the defence will begin with opening statements that lay out what they hope to show in the course of the trial, then formal testimony will come from the Crown’s first witnesses. Defence lawyer Bayne will have a chance to cross-examine the Crown’s witnesses as they appear.

Once the Crown has finished presenting its case, Bayne will get to call witnesses of his own, whom the prosecutors will get to cross-examine.

At the end of the trial, Vaillancourt will likely reserve his judgment and deliver a verdict later.

Ottawa Courthouse courtroom #33 where Senator Mike Duffy’s trial will be heard starting Tuesday April 7.


In the first week, the trial is expected to hear from Senate staff about what new senators are told about expenses and residency claims, from people involved in arranging contracts for Duffy’s friend Gerry Donohue, and from Donohue himself.

The politically juicier elements, Duffy’s dealings with the Prime Minister’s Office as they tried to contain the growing scandal in 2013 (particularly as an audit report on the legitimacy of Duffy’s expense claims went through final editing in a Senate committee) will likely come later on in the trial.

Duffy has the option of testifying in his own defence. If he does testify, he can be cross-examined by the Crown. Otherwise, prosecutors will not have an opportunity to question him.

From the Prime Minister’s Office:

Nigel Wright, former chief of staff for Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Nigel Wright: Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s former chief of staff is a central witness about what happened after Duffy first approached the PMO over his spending audit, why Wright decided to used his personal funds to cover repayment of Duffy’s expense claims, and what the prime minister might have known about the affair.

Benjamin Perrin: Former legal adviser in the Prime Minister’s Office. RCMP court documents allege Perrin was involved in the discussion to have Wright or the Conservative party cover Duffy’s repayment, and was the main point of contact in the PMO for Duffy’s lawyer, Janice Payne.

Chris Woodcock: Former head of issues management for the PMO is named in emails as being involved in discussions over plans to cover Duffy’s repayment and tone down the final audit from Deloitte.

Patrick Rogers: Former director of parliamentary affairs at the PMO, Rogers could testify about discussions to tone down the language in Duffy’s final audit report, why he allegedly recommended that Duffy not co-operate with the auditors, and how he allegedly knew the results of Duffy’s audit weeks before it was provided to the Senate.

David van Hemmen: Former assistant to the chief of staff at the PMO. According to court documents, he was one of a few people inside the PMO whom Wright informed early on about his decision to cover Duffy’s bill. He could be called to explain why he believed Wright paid Duffy’s bill “begrudgingly” because Wright “was not impressed by Senator Duffy’s attitude of self-entitlement.”

From the Senate:

Conservative Senator Marjory LeBreton.

Sen. Marjory LeBreton: Former Conservative leader in the Senate. She communicated with the PMO about Duffy’s audit and efforts to tone down the language in the final report.

Sen. David Tkachuk: Former chairman of the Senate’s internal economy committee and the leader of a three-member panel that oversaw reports on senators’ questionable expense claims. Conservative. According to court documents he suggested to Wright that Duffy’s audit could be terminated if Duffy decided to repay all his questionable housing expenses. Tkachuk may be called to testify about what went on behind the scenes, and about Senate spending rules.

Sen. Carolyn Stewart Olsen: Former member of the Senate’s internal economy committee and another member of the expenses panel. Conservative. RCMP court documents allege she was in regular communication with the PMO about Duffy’s audit and toning down the language of the report.

Sen. George Furey: The third member of the expenses panel. Liberal. He could be called to testify about what went on in secret meetings about Duffy’s audit.

Senator Irving Gerstein.

Sen. Irving Gerstein: Chairman of the Conservative Fund of Canada. According to the RCMP he was willing to use party funds to cover Duffy’s expense bill when it was believed to be $32,000. Gerstein pulled the offer when Duffy’s bill was found to be over $90,000.

Christopher Montgomery: Former policy adviser to Sen. Marjory LeBreton is named in RCMP court documents as the most vocal opponent to apparent PMO plans to tone down the wording of Duffy’s audit report.

Sandy Melo: Sen. Marjory LeBreton’s top aide is named in court documents as sitting in on meetings where LeBreton, Stewart Olsen and PMO officials discussed what the final report on Duffy’s expenses should say.

Gary O’Brien: Former clerk of the Senate. O’Brien seemed to be aware that something was amiss with Duffy’s audit, confronting Stewart Olsen at one point about her partisanship. RCMP documents suggest O’Brien tried to clean up the upper chamber. He is expected to be called to testify about what the administration knew about Duffy’s expenses.

Nicole Proulx: Former head of Senate finance and the Senate’s current chief corporate services officer. The finance department reviews and approves all expense claims, is responsible for oversight of spending, and reports problems to the internal economy committee. She should be called to testify about Duffy’s expenses, the problems identified with Duffy’s claims when officials double-checked after the scandal broke, and details regarding other allegations of misspending.

Jill Anne Joseph: Director of internal audit and strategic planning for the Senate. She drafted Duffy’s first audit report, which a committee of senators later amended.

Mary McQuaid: Duffy’s former assistant handled much of the senator’s paperwork regarding expense claims, and was also with Duffy when the two sent a binder full of documents to Wright. Wright gave that binder to the RCMP. McQuaid could explain details of why Duffy sent the binder to Wright, details of his expenses, and details of his housing.

From the Conservative Party:

Dan Hilton: Former executive director of the Conservative Party of Canada. According to court documents, he was told of a plan to use party funds to repay Duffy’s housing claims when the bill was thought to be about $32,000. Those RCMP court documents also allege that Hilton was told about Wright’s plan to pay Duffy’s expenses.

Arthur Hamilton: Lawyer for the Conservative Party of Canada. A March 5 email, quoted by the RCMP, notes that Duffy’s lawyer, Janice Payne, wrote Hamilton and Benjamin Perrin “seeking advice” about how to withdraw Duffy from the Deloitte audit. Hamilton may not testify because of solicitor-client privilege.

From the RCMP:

Greg Horton: Lead Mountie on the Duffy investigation. Will be called by the Crown to go through the evidence that is already known, and thousands of pages of additional emails and documents that have yet to be made public.

Mark Grenon: Forensic accountant was on loan to the RCMP from Public Works and Government Services Canada at the time of the investigation. He combed through Duffy’s finances.

The outsiders:

Gerald Donohue: Duffy’s former CTV colleague, a cameraman turned human-resources manager. He received $65,000 in consulting contracts from Duffy’s Senate office, but provided “no tangible work” according to the RCMP. The money instead allegedly flowed to a makeup artist, a personal trainer, and a Conservative staffer who once helped Duffy, according to court documents.

Doug Currie: The PEI health minister, or someone in his office, may be called to testify about Duffy’s push in December 2012 to fast-track his request for a P.E.I. health card. Duffy contacted Currie’s office about getting the document, which the Senate required from senators to prove their primary residence claims.

How to follow along:

The Duffy trial will be one of the most heavily covered court case in memory, with reporters from many news outlets attending daily. Besides the main courtroom, staff at the Ottawa courthouse have prepared a 135-seat overflow room where the proceedings will be piped in on live video. But proceedings in Canadian courtrooms are not televised or recorded for broadcast, so the best way to get up-to-the-minute information is online.

The Citizen’s website, ottawacitizen.com, will have updates throughout the day, both on what happens in court and news outside it, including stories, photos and videos.

On Twitter, the trial will be covered live by writers Lee Berthiaume (@LeeBerthiaume) and David Reevely (@ReevelyLive).

Compiled by David Reevely, Jordan Press and Lee Berthiaume

