Affordable Private Christian Schools (with important updates)


Ottawa Christian School (JK-G8): <>; the school is located in Barrhaven; the tuition fee is around 12% of family income (OCS only charge one fee if the family has more than 1 kid attending OCS) with min & max cost < >. The kids of three members of our church are currently attending OCS.

Redeemer Christian High School (G9-12): < >; the school is located near Costco on Merivale. They have the same tuition policy as OCS. Our pastor's kids are currently attending RCHS.

私立学校不受省教纲影响 (天主教学校是公立性质,受教纲影响)、知识能力养成之外也教导学生基督教价值。学费为12%家庭收入按家庭收费。即多于一个孩子上同一个学校也只收一个孩子的学费。

Bishop Hamilton Montessori School (BHS) is a regular private school in the west <>

The school starts from toddler and runs all the way to G8. A few families of our church send their kids to this one.

The tuition fees are charged per students rather than families.
加拉太书 5:22-23 圣灵的果子是:爱心、喜乐、和平、忍耐、仁慈、良善、忠信、 温柔、自制。
哥林多前书 13:4-8

4 爱是恒久忍耐,又是仁慈;
5 不做不合宜的事,不求自己的益处,
6 不为不义欢喜,而与真理同乐;
7 凡事包容,凡事相信,
8 爱是永不止息。
OCS Graduate Profile


Our students will be growing in submission to Jesus Christ. They will honour and serve God with heart, body and mind using a variety of abilities and gifts he has entrusted to them.

1. Identity in Christ

a. Our students will commit to be followers of Jesus Christ.
b. In a developmentally appropriate way our students will know their unique gifts, talents and challenges.
c. Our students will use those unique gifts and talents to serve God by helping others.
d. Our students will treat their and other people’s bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit.

2. Knowledge/Skills

a. Our students will have the skills and knowledge that will allow them to fulfill God’s calling for them in the next level of their education and other future callings.
b. Our students will approach issues and questions with biblical discernment.
c. Our students will have a sense of wonder for the fallen, but beautiful creation.

3. Communication

a. Our students will be effective communicators in writing and speaking. They will be effective readers and listeners. They will use their language skills to build people up in person, print or any other media.
b. Our students will communicate in French in response to the Biblical injunctions to love their neighbour and welcome the stranger.
c. Our students will see communication as a gift that is to be used to praise God.

4. Community Life

a. Our students will participate positively in their local communities.
b. Our students will, as citizens of God’s kingdom, be bearers of righteousness and justice in their local and national communities and the international community.
It is difficult to explain but it is safe to explain that Christian beliefs are engrained and evident in what OCS teachers say or preach at school and this is evident with students having to attend bible classes, memorize bible verses, etc.

On the other hand, you will really need to check with other private schools on where they stand on the sex ed issue. Not all schools are equal."
Before the kid(s) enrolled into a Christian school, the principle will have an interview with the whole family (the student & parents). It is difficult for non-believing parents (or at least 1 of them is Christian) to embrace school's philosophy & policy. For example, if the parents do not accept 創造論, it would be hard for the parents to send their kids to Christian school using 創造論 as a framework of teaching.

For non-Christian families, maybe sending their kids to private school (such as BHS or Ashbury) is an alternative way of public school."
About tuition fees:

1. The tuition fee is 12% of family income, i.e., the combination of both parents;
2. The tuition fee is charged on family, not number of students, i.e., the same percentage will be applied to a family if more than kids are sent to the school;
3. The tuition cap (i.e., max tuition per family) is $13,600 if a family has one student; however, it may increase by a few thousands for each additional kid (e.g., a family of our church is paying $15,370 per year for two children); a portion of the tuition is treated as donations;
4. One have to check the website and talk directly with the school to find exact numbers.