· 加拿大教育储蓄基金(CESG):相当于每年供款的头$2500的20%,最多可以领取$7200
· 加拿大学习债券(Canadian Learning Bond):仅低收入家庭(年收入低于$40000),最多可以领取$2000.
· 阿尔伯塔和魁北克省居民特别补助金:最多可领取$3600
· Industrail Alliance(国联保险理财服务有限公司) RESP Diploma计划:根据孩子的年龄, 领取供款额最多15%的教育赞助津贴
加拿大政府授权将近70所机构提供RESP (机构列表详见List of RESP Promoters) 。在众多机构中,如何挑选最适合自己子女或孙子孙女的教育储蓄计划呢?Ontario Securities Commission给出了八点建议(原文请见http://www.getsmarteraboutmoney.ca/...s/Choosing-an-RESP-provider.aspx#.VUkPIo5Viko)
1. What fees are you expected to pay? When do you have to pay them?
2. Do you have to make regular contributions? If so, what happens if you miss a contribution?
3. What investment options are available?
4. When and how will payments be made from the plan?
5. What kinds of post-secondary programs qualify?
6. Are the plan's rules more restrictive than the government's rules on which programs qualify? Find out which programs may qualify.
是否该公司RESP规定的专上课程比政府规定的更加严格?政府规定的专上课程请见programs may qualify.
7. What happens if your beneficiary doesn't continue with their education after high school?
8. What happens if you want to cancel the plan? Is it easy to get your money out? Will you have to forfeit your earnings?
市场上最好的教育储蓄计划(RESP) 之一
Industrial Alliance(国联保险理财服务有限公司)除了可以帮您申请各项政府补贴,还可以有本公司最多15%的额外补贴。所有的顾问均在安省金融服务委员会(Financial Services Commission of Ontario)注册。Industrial Alliance是立足于加拿大本土市场的金融保险公司,有125年的历史和4百万客户,同时在多伦多证券交易所上市,股票代码为IAG. 愿意为您服务。
Vivian Jin
Financial Security Advisor
Industrial Alliance
1900 City Park Drive, Suite 510
Gloucester, Ontario K1J 1A3
Tel: 613-744-8255 ext 253
· 加拿大教育储蓄基金(CESG):相当于每年供款的头$2500的20%,最多可以领取$7200
· 加拿大学习债券(Canadian Learning Bond):仅低收入家庭(年收入低于$40000),最多可以领取$2000.
· 阿尔伯塔和魁北克省居民特别补助金:最多可领取$3600
· Industrail Alliance(国联保险理财服务有限公司) RESP Diploma计划:根据孩子的年龄, 领取供款额最多15%的教育赞助津贴
加拿大政府授权将近70所机构提供RESP (机构列表详见List of RESP Promoters) 。在众多机构中,如何挑选最适合自己子女或孙子孙女的教育储蓄计划呢?Ontario Securities Commission给出了八点建议(原文请见http://www.getsmarteraboutmoney.ca/...s/Choosing-an-RESP-provider.aspx#.VUkPIo5Viko)
1. What fees are you expected to pay? When do you have to pay them?
2. Do you have to make regular contributions? If so, what happens if you miss a contribution?
3. What investment options are available?
4. When and how will payments be made from the plan?
5. What kinds of post-secondary programs qualify?
6. Are the plan's rules more restrictive than the government's rules on which programs qualify? Find out which programs may qualify.
是否该公司RESP规定的专上课程比政府规定的更加严格?政府规定的专上课程请见programs may qualify.
7. What happens if your beneficiary doesn't continue with their education after high school?
8. What happens if you want to cancel the plan? Is it easy to get your money out? Will you have to forfeit your earnings?
市场上最好的教育储蓄计划(RESP) 之一
Industrial Alliance(国联保险理财服务有限公司)除了可以帮您申请各项政府补贴,还可以有本公司最多15%的额外补贴。所有的顾问均在安省金融服务委员会(Financial Services Commission of Ontario)注册。Industrial Alliance是立足于加拿大本土市场的金融保险公司,有125年的历史和4百万客户,同时在多伦多证券交易所上市,股票代码为IAG. 愿意为您服务。
Vivian Jin
Financial Security Advisor
Industrial Alliance
1900 City Park Drive, Suite 510
Gloucester, Ontario K1J 1A3
Tel: 613-744-8255 ext 253