有一个用了将近两个summer的Window Air Conditioner (窗式空调). 是Danby BTU 7000. 两年前在Costco买的.很安静&Powerful. Cost me Cdn$450+taxes. I used it in a one-bedroom apartment. Really powerful. Now we just moved and willing to sell it to someone who interested in.
和下面的很像. 不过我的可能稍高级些(Mine is DAC7059,功能多,图上显示的很清楚)
This DAC7003 still cost at least US$319
features include:
12 position adjustable thermostat (DAC7003 in above link has only 3 postions.)
Fan, Low-Fan, Cool, Low-Cool operation positions
Silde out chassis
Up-front Washable Air filter
Expandable Window mount kit
有兴趣的朋友可以比较一下,然后发QQH,或email: littleflyman2000@yahoo.ca
I'm asking around Cdn$200.
和下面的很像. 不过我的可能稍高级些(Mine is DAC7059,功能多,图上显示的很清楚)
This DAC7003 still cost at least US$319
features include:
12 position adjustable thermostat (DAC7003 in above link has only 3 postions.)
Fan, Low-Fan, Cool, Low-Cool operation positions
Silde out chassis
Up-front Washable Air filter
Expandable Window mount kit
有兴趣的朋友可以比较一下,然后发QQH,或email: littleflyman2000@yahoo.ca
I'm asking around Cdn$200.