

最初由 l2345 发布
you can find your own schedule from you own webpage.
first, enter into UQO website and you can find an elipse flash in green and blue, click it
second, you can find "1er accès" which is the second row in the four rows,click it
third,you can find"èstape 1,èstape 2,èstape 3" that means" step 1: activate ID, step 2: obtain your password, step 3: change your password",
just follow the instruction,you can check your room number and other info,your email box etc. from your ownpage, don't be scared by French, just guess you can get what those mean.
Good Luck!
Re: Re: 有谁知道上课的地点,那间房?

最初由 coconut 发布

you can find your own schedule from you own webpage.
first, enter into UQO website and you can find an elipse flash in green and blue, click it
second, you can find "1er accès" which is the second row in the four rows,click it
third,you can find"èstape 1,èstape 2,èstape 3" that means" step 1: activate ID, step 2: obtain your password, step 3: change your password",
just follow the instruction,you can check your room number and other info,your email box etc. from your ownpage, don't be scared by French, just guess you can get what those mean.
Good Luck!

不瞒您说,我早就试了N次啦,可总是不行呀,那个PERMANENT CODE是不是录取信里给的那个呀?还有NAS号是不是就填头三位和后三位呢?:confused: 还是必须在我们上课以后才能使用这个系统?
step 1: activate ID,:(
num轵o d'assurance sociale (NAS) ~what's that?:(
最初由 Anakin 发布
step 1: activate ID,:(
num轵o d'assurance sociale (NAS) ~what's that?:(
o d'assurance sociale 是不是有点像social insurence number?…………呵呵……象这样学法语,是不是挺有意思的?我还没试,19号才开学,先找房住吧。
最初由 一直受压抑 发布

o d'assurance sociale 是不是有点像social insurence number?…………呵呵……象这样学法语,是不是挺有意思的?我还没试,19号才开学,先找房住吧。
恭喜恭喜,每次看你的贴子,都被您的青蛙跳得眼晕 :P