Lots of Fs to go around in student report card fiasco

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On the subject of report cards, the grading is easy: the teachers’ unions look petty, the public school board looks incompetent, and Queen’s Park is absent without a note.

On Monday, here was provincial union boss Sam Hammond saying elementary teachers would not even reveal a student’s mark to a parent, but remain “quite free” to discuss the child’s progress during the year. The final mark? Oh, go ask the principal.

I mean, the utter gall. Quite breathtaking. One has to wonder whether the main players ask about the damage being done to the teaching profession, in particular, and to public education on the whole. For a sector that consumes so much of Ontario’s tax purse, it’s embarrassing.

If such a thing is possible, we stumbled across a piece of news that makes everything seem worse. The Ottawa Carleton Elementary Teachers’ Federation, which has some 3,300 members, has posted a copy of its collective agreement with the public school board.

Not long ago, elementary teachers had no “Professional Activity” days specifically to work on report cards. By 2009, the contract specified one such day “for the purpose of assessment and completion of report cards.”

In 2010-11, the teachers negotiated two “Professional Activity” days — from a total of six in the school year — to assess students and complete report cards. The second of these days was June 5.

One has to ask: if there are basically no report cards for students in JK to Grade 7, what were the teachers doing on June 5, a date by which they knew this work action was underway?

Oh, plenty, says association president Peter Giuliani. He estimated a teacher might take at least 30 hours to assess and grade their pupils and that one six-hour work day would never be enough to get the whole job done.

“We didn’t get a day off,” he said, when asked about June 5. “You’d never get all the marks done in one day. It wouldn’t happen. You’d never get the entire class assessed.”

Contract wording aside, he said there has never been an expectation that report cards could be completed in early June, though Article 9 seems to declare this.

He did acknowledge the obvious: that whatever time elementary teachers spent on assessing and grading this year, it was fewer hours than usual.

The union is saying it did submit grades for all the students — but no personalized commentary — and claims to be astonished that the public school is unable to convey this basic information to students and parents.

“We have 300 people doing the work that normally 4,600 people do,” says Jennifer Adams, director of education at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. She has said this repeatedly this week, in defence of sending “letters of promotion” to thousands of students instead of real report cards.

The 300 staffers are spending their time getting grades to students who absolutely need them: Grade 8s moving to high school next year, students who need to start summer school, and Grade 12 grads completing entry and scholarships to colleges and university.

But the board’s explanation is difficult to follow. If the bulk of the students are only getting a single grade in each class, why would it take more than a few minutes to click on the final marks and hit “print.” Couldn’t a class of 25 be done in an hour? What are we missing here?

And is it heresy to suggest senior staff work a couple of extra days on a weekend, or after classes end, and mail the report cards — however complete — in the first week of July? More to the point: if the union told the employer about this “strike action” more than a month ago, what was the contingency plan?

But to reshift focus on the main point: not sending out full report cards to every single student is a terrible idea. And the union has to wear that, yet it clings to these kinds of pronouncements: “Our entire work action is based on minimum impact on students,” says Giuliani.

With respect, this is complete fiction. A report card is a major impact; for some, the only impact that matters.

It is true that teachers do good work, are well paid, and are being treated shabbily by the employer, who, honestly is broke by his own folly. And probably a full strike, with a legislated end, might await in the fall. The inevitability is disheartening.

For now, they all get an F.

To contact Kelly Egan, please call 613-726-5896 or email kegan@ottawacitizen.com.


