I didn't pass G recently, I only talk about my experience 2 years ago.
When you arrive at test center, you will be asked about how many times you drive in highway. (Probably need 10+ times in the last 3 month)
Walkly Test center for example
1. same as your G2, test parallels parking & 3 point turn in the test center.
2. When you get out the test center, if you are asked to turn left, you will go to the "Airport pkwy" for highway testing.
3. Then you will get off highway at huntclub exit, then turn right.
4. Go to the local area for driving test, may ask you for "emergency stop": emergency light, SAFELY stop at right of the road (always check mirrors etc. before you turn to the right side of the road, no matter where you are).
5. Then go back to test center.
For other things, same as your G2, change lanes, check mirrors, turn left or right, or ask you stop at uphill/downhill place and see how you response to this situation.
PS: If you are asked to turn right, then you will get test at 417 highway, much harder than airport pkwy.
You can drive yourself or with your friend to go though this path...
walkly test center ---> airport pkwy ---> local townhouse area ---> back to airport pkwy ---> walkly test center