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- 2005-01-31
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由于语言和文化上的差异,许多移民在来到加拿大之后, 感觉很难融入当地人的社交圈。见到他们的时候,不知该说些什么,如何和他们交往。拥有一个良好的社交生活, 对移民或学生找工作, 学习, 归属感和生活满足感都有很大的帮助。
7月21日(周二)的讲座中,渥太华华人社区服务中心邀请到拥有十多年公众演讲经验的讲师Steve Gingras, 他将会给大家介绍在加拿大适用的社交技巧, 并提供在不同场合的情境模拟练习。透过这个有趣实用的讲座, 帮助移民在加拿大建立属于自己的社交圈。
地点: 渥太华华人社区服务中心(381 Kent Street, 208教室)
时间: 7月21日(周二),6:30pm – 8:00pm
如是移民, 参加此讲座时请携带枫叶卡或移民纸
名额有限,需提前报名:613-235-4875, Ext. 144, 或doreen.ju@occsc.org
讲员简介: Bio of the speaker:
Steve Gingras has been conducting Public Speaking and Time Management workshops in the Ottawa Ontario Canada region in past 12 years, through the Ottawa Catholic School Board's Continuing Education Department, Ottawa Public Library and C3 Community Centre and LASI World Skills.
Steve was employed for two major high tech manufacturing companies. (Nortel Networks and ST Microelectronics) he served as an internal ISO 9001 Auditor, Documentation Manager, Health and Safety Coordinator and Corporate Trainer with both companies. In 2011, he formed his own group SteveGingras.net which provides organizational and procrastination training as well as overcoming public speaking fears via my step by step method. Steve semi regular Organizational Coach guest on the Rogers 22 Talk Show Daytime. He also created and developed a six episode music showcase for Rogers Television called the "Ottawa Originals". In November 2014, he taped the second season of music shows for TV Cogeco in Smiths Falls Ontario titled "Music Volume".
Steve serves both as a Volunteer Mentor and ESL Public Speaking Instructor through the Ottawa Chinese Community Centre and the Ottawa Public Library.
· Clutter and Procrastination Busting
· Step by Step Public Speaking Training
· Social Anxiety group training sessions
· English as a Second Language instruction
· One on One Mentorship with foreign trained professionals
7月21日(周二)的讲座中,渥太华华人社区服务中心邀请到拥有十多年公众演讲经验的讲师Steve Gingras, 他将会给大家介绍在加拿大适用的社交技巧, 并提供在不同场合的情境模拟练习。透过这个有趣实用的讲座, 帮助移民在加拿大建立属于自己的社交圈。
地点: 渥太华华人社区服务中心(381 Kent Street, 208教室)
时间: 7月21日(周二),6:30pm – 8:00pm
如是移民, 参加此讲座时请携带枫叶卡或移民纸
名额有限,需提前报名:613-235-4875, Ext. 144, 或doreen.ju@occsc.org
讲员简介: Bio of the speaker:
Steve Gingras has been conducting Public Speaking and Time Management workshops in the Ottawa Ontario Canada region in past 12 years, through the Ottawa Catholic School Board's Continuing Education Department, Ottawa Public Library and C3 Community Centre and LASI World Skills.
Steve was employed for two major high tech manufacturing companies. (Nortel Networks and ST Microelectronics) he served as an internal ISO 9001 Auditor, Documentation Manager, Health and Safety Coordinator and Corporate Trainer with both companies. In 2011, he formed his own group SteveGingras.net which provides organizational and procrastination training as well as overcoming public speaking fears via my step by step method. Steve semi regular Organizational Coach guest on the Rogers 22 Talk Show Daytime. He also created and developed a six episode music showcase for Rogers Television called the "Ottawa Originals". In November 2014, he taped the second season of music shows for TV Cogeco in Smiths Falls Ontario titled "Music Volume".
Steve serves both as a Volunteer Mentor and ESL Public Speaking Instructor through the Ottawa Chinese Community Centre and the Ottawa Public Library.
· Clutter and Procrastination Busting
· Step by Step Public Speaking Training
· Social Anxiety group training sessions
· English as a Second Language instruction
· One on One Mentorship with foreign trained professionals