24th July, 2015
The Honourable Dr. Eric Hoskins, M.P.P.
Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2
Dear Dr. Eric,
I write to you today concerning the practice and regulation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Ontario, and the need expressed by practitioners for regulations that recognized cultural sensitivities.
Traditional Chinese Medicine has been a major part of the emerging Natural Health industry in Canada. Melding cultural health practices and beliefs that date back more than 2000 years, TCM carries important traditions that hold great significance to hundreds of thousands of Canadians.
加拿大政府认真听取广大中医业者、中医利益相关者和病人的忧虑,于2013 年创 立外国学历认证计划,我们实施了这个计划。这个计划将简化对于中医业者的审查和执业许可,精简国外受训的中医师在加拿大执业的认可程序,使国外学历的中医师能够顺利融入加拿大中医执业者的行列,而无须重新考试其学术资格。我亦在2014 年宣布豁免中医师和其它自然疗法执业者的GST/HST 的税务,以表示政府对于自然健康疗法之重视与扶持。不幸的是,安省中医管理的明显缺憾,却使安省中医行业陷入危机四伏的境地。
The Government of Canada has listened keenly to the concerns of TCM practitioners,
stakeholders, and patients. In 2013, through the Foreign Credential Recognition
Program, we put into action a plan that would streamline the examination and licensing
of TCM practitioners. This plan made it easier for Canadian and internationally trained
professionals to move freely across Canada without having to recertify their credentials.
In 2014, I also announced our government’s policy of exempting TCM and other
naturopathic services from the GST/HST. Unfortunately, a lack of sensible regulations
puts the practice of TCM in Ontario in jeopardy.
如您所知,2014 年联邦卫生部长Rona Ambrose 参加了联邦卫生部中医药咨询委员
会的圆桌会议。联邦卫生部中医药咨询委员会成立于2012 年,旨在就中医临床、中药产
As you may know, Federal Minister of Health Rona Ambrose participated in a
roundtable meeting with the Advisory Council on Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2014.
This body, established in January, 2012, was designed to advised the Minister on the
practice of TCM, the importation and sale of TCM products in Canada, and other TCM
related matters. The Advisory Council has expressed concern with regulations under
Ontario’s provincial jurisdiction.
As you are well aware, provincial governments regulate the practice of Traditional
Chinese Medicine in their jurisdictions as part of their health care responsibilities. The
TCM community is not opposed to regulation. In fact, the community overwhelmingly
supports strong regulation. The issue, however, lies with the regulations that govern
TCM practice in Ontario.
Ontario’s TCM regulations require practitioners to pass two tests in order to secure full
certification. Both tests are administered in English only, with the meanings of key
words and terms becoming lost in translation. Neither test is related to the practice of
Traditional Chinese Medicine.
的理论知识与技能,许许多多中医师具有长达10-20 余年以上的临床经验,用语言障碍将
This linguistic barrier threatens the knowledgebase that is essential to the practice of
TCM. Many practitioners carry with them 10 to 20 years of TCM experience. Besides
the personal health benefits experienced by patients of Traditional Chinese Medicine,
the reduction of the burden on the Canadian health care system is another advantage
that is threatened by Ontario’s regulations.
I urge the Government of Ontario to examine implementing regulations that follow the
Government of British Columbia’s model. The B.C. model is a proven one, and
removes the need for Ontario to reinvent the regulatory wheel. B.C. regulated TCM in
such a way that recognizes the cultural sensitivities associated with the discipline. The
tests that the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists
of British Columbia administers are written in both official languages and Chinese. The
tests are also tailored to relate to the actual practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Listening to the concerns of the TCM community will ensure that practitioners remain in
the regulated field, and continue to provide improved health outcomes for their patients.
I ask that you take these factors into account as you work to address the concerns of
this important sector, which hundreds of thousands of Canadians choose to make part
of their own health care.
Hon. Jason Kenney, PC, MP
CC: Hon. Rona Ambrose, PC, MP, Minister of Health
24th July, 2015
The Honourable Dr. Eric Hoskins, M.P.P.
Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2
Dear Dr. Eric,
I write to you today concerning the practice and regulation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Ontario, and the need expressed by practitioners for regulations that recognized cultural sensitivities.
Traditional Chinese Medicine has been a major part of the emerging Natural Health industry in Canada. Melding cultural health practices and beliefs that date back more than 2000 years, TCM carries important traditions that hold great significance to hundreds of thousands of Canadians.
加拿大政府认真听取广大中医业者、中医利益相关者和病人的忧虑,于2013 年创 立外国学历认证计划,我们实施了这个计划。这个计划将简化对于中医业者的审查和执业许可,精简国外受训的中医师在加拿大执业的认可程序,使国外学历的中医师能够顺利融入加拿大中医执业者的行列,而无须重新考试其学术资格。我亦在2014 年宣布豁免中医师和其它自然疗法执业者的GST/HST 的税务,以表示政府对于自然健康疗法之重视与扶持。不幸的是,安省中医管理的明显缺憾,却使安省中医行业陷入危机四伏的境地。
The Government of Canada has listened keenly to the concerns of TCM practitioners,
stakeholders, and patients. In 2013, through the Foreign Credential Recognition
Program, we put into action a plan that would streamline the examination and licensing
of TCM practitioners. This plan made it easier for Canadian and internationally trained
professionals to move freely across Canada without having to recertify their credentials.
In 2014, I also announced our government’s policy of exempting TCM and other
naturopathic services from the GST/HST. Unfortunately, a lack of sensible regulations
puts the practice of TCM in Ontario in jeopardy.
如您所知,2014 年联邦卫生部长Rona Ambrose 参加了联邦卫生部中医药咨询委员
会的圆桌会议。联邦卫生部中医药咨询委员会成立于2012 年,旨在就中医临床、中药产
As you may know, Federal Minister of Health Rona Ambrose participated in a
roundtable meeting with the Advisory Council on Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2014.
This body, established in January, 2012, was designed to advised the Minister on the
practice of TCM, the importation and sale of TCM products in Canada, and other TCM
related matters. The Advisory Council has expressed concern with regulations under
Ontario’s provincial jurisdiction.
As you are well aware, provincial governments regulate the practice of Traditional
Chinese Medicine in their jurisdictions as part of their health care responsibilities. The
TCM community is not opposed to regulation. In fact, the community overwhelmingly
supports strong regulation. The issue, however, lies with the regulations that govern
TCM practice in Ontario.
Ontario’s TCM regulations require practitioners to pass two tests in order to secure full
certification. Both tests are administered in English only, with the meanings of key
words and terms becoming lost in translation. Neither test is related to the practice of
Traditional Chinese Medicine.
的理论知识与技能,许许多多中医师具有长达10-20 余年以上的临床经验,用语言障碍将
This linguistic barrier threatens the knowledgebase that is essential to the practice of
TCM. Many practitioners carry with them 10 to 20 years of TCM experience. Besides
the personal health benefits experienced by patients of Traditional Chinese Medicine,
the reduction of the burden on the Canadian health care system is another advantage
that is threatened by Ontario’s regulations.
I urge the Government of Ontario to examine implementing regulations that follow the
Government of British Columbia’s model. The B.C. model is a proven one, and
removes the need for Ontario to reinvent the regulatory wheel. B.C. regulated TCM in
such a way that recognizes the cultural sensitivities associated with the discipline. The
tests that the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists
of British Columbia administers are written in both official languages and Chinese. The
tests are also tailored to relate to the actual practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Listening to the concerns of the TCM community will ensure that practitioners remain in
the regulated field, and continue to provide improved health outcomes for their patients.
I ask that you take these factors into account as you work to address the concerns of
this important sector, which hundreds of thousands of Canadians choose to make part
of their own health care.
Hon. Jason Kenney, PC, MP
CC: Hon. Rona Ambrose, PC, MP, Minister of Health