reasons to stay

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<HTML>tell me your reasons of keep staying in this coutry</HTML>
<HTML>because I have a nice job and apartment and car and have access to fresh air and beautiful scenary. and I like to be a canadian, travel to wherever I want.</HTML>
<HTML>not because I have a beautiful house and a car and be able to see the bule sky, nor I speak pure English. I think the reason why I still hanging here is because ..if I go back to China, I have to live under the same roof with my in-laws. This is the most unpleasant thing I can think of. If my life was ruined here, I would be happy to say, well, I riuned my life by myself, not by others. Is there someone else who shares the same thought with me? If so,let's talk about it.</HTML>
<HTML>Then congratulations to johhhn, you still have a job. Even you are happy to carry a Canadian passport, are you really being considered a Canadian? Do people treat you like a Canadian? Do you fell like a Canadian???

To 妇人之见, that is a good reason, if you hate your in-laws that much? But I don't think everybody in Canada came here to escape from something.</HTML>



<HTML>to homesick:
I don't care if I'm being considered a Canadian, or if people treat me like a Canadian. Why should I care??
and I don't quite feel like a Canadian, but I'm very happy to carry a Canadian passport.</HTML>
RE: Homesick

<HTML>If you do not consider yourself as a Canadian, how can you expect others to treat you like a Canadian. If you speak in a understandable English, thinking and behaving like a Canadian, I do not understand why not people treat you like others as a Canadian. Only if you insist you are a Chinese, different from others here inside and outside, i.e. you treat yourself as a non-Canadian first. One needs confidence (believe yourself) for surviving here. The same thing that if you do not believe yourself, how can you expect other people believe you? If you like China so much, you'd better live in China, enjoying your life there, why keep suffering and complaining here. We all know that here you have a free choice for where you are living.</HTML>
RE: Homesick

<HTML>I don\'t like china. I don\'t know if I like Canada either. I got laid off twice this year. Every time this happened, most of my accompanys are Chinese. Even we all know Chinese work the hardest and got the lowest pay. One day I heard a show from BBC, a career consultant said, every time layoff happens, if your race is the easiest to distinguish, then you are the first to go and the last one to be hired. And this is so true. I don\'t know what you guys are doing, but if you experience the same thing, I doubt if you will say the same thing or not.

I speak good English, most people think I have been here for decades even I have only been here for a year. I work hard and have good skills, but once bad things happen, it never showed to me that I am being treated as a Canadian. You talk like that only because you are not being treated unfairly! It doesn\'t mean this unfairness doesn\'t exist. Think twice.</HTML>