'I hate myself for it,' father of shackled, starving boy told police

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A former Mountie confessed to police that he had kept his 11-year-old son shackled in the basement and rationed his food, giving him just two peanut-butter pitas day.

On the day he escaped — Feb. 12, 2013 — the boy weighed only 23 kilograms (50 pounds) and doctors at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario said he almost starved to death.

In a videotaped statement a day after his arrest, the boy’s father said he had run out of options and had to restrain his “out of control” son.

“I wasn’t doing this to destroy him. I didn’t do this to take him away from the world,” the father told police.

The police interview was shown on Friday at the trial of the ex-RCMP officer and his wife.

The boy’s father detailed how he kept the boy handcuffed and shackled in their Kanata basement, where he slept in a sleeping bag on the floor next to a bucket he used as a toilet.

The man, who cannot be named under a court order to protect the identity of his son, said he had run out of ways to punish the boy for “lying and stealing.”

During the interview, Ottawa police Sgt. Tracy Butler asked about burn marks around the boy’s genitals.

“He could have died,” Butler told him.

The father apologized.

“I’m sorry. I love him. I hate myself for it. I’d rather die than have him like this,” he said.

Two younger siblings were seized by child-protection workers hours after the boy escaped while his family was out shopping.

His stepmother, 36, told authorities that she felt guilty for not protecting the boy.

She and her husband, 44, are both on trial for confining the boy and failing to provide him with the necessities of life.

The boy’s father is also on trial for aggravated sexual assault with a barbecue lighter.

The condition of the emaciated boy, covered with old and fresh wounds, brought the responding police officer to tears.



