Obituary: Max Keeping was Ottawa's 'close and comfortable' news anchor

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It is all too easy to say of someone who’s died that we won’t see their like again. But sometimes, in rare and wonderful cases, we know that to say anything less is to shortchange the truth.

It is certainly true that we will not see the like of Max Keeping again.

The retired broadcaster, who died on Oct. 1 at the age of 73, came to Ottawa from the Maritimes 50 years ago in search of a Central Canadian media career. Still in his early 20s, the Newfoundland native had already cut his teeth in radio in Halifax. He had energy and ambition, a silver tongue, a way with people, and every reason to assume a fine career lay ahead of him.

However, the sheer scale of what he was to achieve could never have occurred to him.

To be sure, Keeping became a very successful broadcaster. As anchor of the suppertime news on CJOH-TV, which later became CTV Ottawa, he became the most watched broadcaster in Eastern Ontario. His show drew up to five times the audience of the CBC news. His domination of the local market was unassailable.

Keeping looked into the camera and spoke directly to the viewer. He was close and comfortable. He could be your uncle, your best friend — certainly a fine fellow to talk to over a beer. He wasn’t you, but you shared something with him. He reminded you — while delivering news of political developments and local fires, tax changes and heartwarming acts of kindness — that both of you were in this business of being human together. A rare gift, springing from a mixture of talent and personality that many called “the Max factor” — discomfiting to competitors, the source of his suppertime welcome, year after year, into so many Eastern Ontario homes.

If Keeping had been only a broadcaster, we would still, given his professional success, be speaking of him today. But broadcasting was only one cornerstone of his life. Another was his passionate, unflagging involvement in all sorts of charitable efforts. In a given year, he could easily make 300 appearances for service groups, schools, neighbourhood and community associations and charities, trimming that figure back to 200 only after prostate cancer surgery in 2003.

For years, Keeping was the master of ceremonies of the CHEO telethon. He helped food banks, the Salvation Army, the Children’s Wish Foundation, the United Way, and too many other organizations to list. The efforts in which he participated are estimated to have raised $100 million over the years.

Max Keeping cheers at the end of a CHEO telethon.

In 2003 he received the Gemini Humanitarian Award, given to people who make extraordinary contributions to efforts to improve lives and reduce suffering.

As a longtime news anchor, Keeping should have been relatively affluent, but he wasn’t because he was such a soft touch for any needy person or cause asking him for help. In 1995, at the urging of friends, he set up the Max Keeping Foundation so that other people could help to defray the expenses of doing charitable work. The foundation was aimed at children who had been unable to find support from other organizations. In 2013, more than 400 children received help.

Case in point: In the summer of 1998, a young boy spent an entire weekend outdoors hitting a rolled-up aluminum foil ball with a stick, poor substitutes for the real baseball equipment that he wanted that could not fit into the family budget. Knowing of its mandate, the boy’s mother contacted the foundation. Keeping immediately went to Canadian Tire and bought the equipment, and the store manager, hearing the story, gave the wholesale price and waived the sales tax. Keeping’s generosity often proved contagious.

On Feb. 12, it was announced that the foundation, after 20 years of fundraising, would be dissolved and the remaining $150,000 donated to the CHEO Foundation to create the Max Keeping Fund for Kids to help families from out of town to pay for accommodation, meals, travel costs and other expenses. It will also help families pay for specialized equipment, such as wheelchairs and hearing devices.

Keeping was too ill to attend the news conference.

He received a steady stream of awards and accolades for his charitable work. Both Carleton University and the University of Ottawa gave him honorary degrees. He received the Order of Canada, the Order of Ontario, and the Ontario Medal of Good Citizenship. A wing of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario was named after him. Upon his retirement from the anchor desk, the city announced that its next arterial road would be called Max Keeping Boulevard.

For news anchors, such honours are not ordinarily in the job prospectus.

For all his frenetic activity, Keeping was always approachable. Hungry people could ask him for money. The affluent and renowned found him a congenial companion. He presented the same warmth in person that he projected with such ease over the airwaves. People interested him not because of their station but because of their humanity.

He left a deep mark on friends and colleagues. CTV Ottawa staff, learning that he was fatally ill, spoke with one voice in praising the man, the presence, and the career.

Carol Anne Meehan, who shared co-anchor duties with him for 22 years, first worked with him in August 1980. From the start, he treated her as though she had been on the job forever and had always been his professional equal. “I’ve never met anyone who was such a people person,” she said. “He was a perfectionist and made sure that everyone did their jobs well, but he was loyal and really stood behind his team.

CTV’s News’s Graham Richardson replaced Max Keeping as Anchor of Ottawa ‘s CTV News At SIX with Carol Anne Meehan.

“His approach to everyone was like that. He loved all the people in the city and through the whole Ottawa Valley. He knew the people better than they knew themselves. He never put on airs. People felt they could drink with him, dance a jig with him. He was just a regular guy, except for his generosity, which was the greatest I’ve ever encountered.”

Michael O’Byrne, anchor of The CTV News at Noon, knew Keeping for 33 years. O’Byrne remembers, first of all, a superb broadcasting professional. “Max was one of those journalists who just seem to know in their guts what a story was. He was just an ordinary, regular guy who could take complicated issues and simplify them so that anyone could understand them. He made every story fair and balanced. That’s why he became King of the Ottawa Valley.”

But Keeping’s second extraordinary quality was his ability to connect with other human beings. “Max could have a long and interesting conversation with someone living on the street and half an hour later engage the prime minister in the same way at 24 Sussex Drive,” O’Byrne said.

Max Keeping with his winning smile.

The quality of Keeping’s heart was best seen in his love of children, O’Byrne said. “Max just adored them because he really believed they are the future. And he kept that attitude to the very end.”

All the accolades of a long and successful career never turned Keeping’s head in the slightest, O’Byrne said. “In our business, we meet a lot of famous people who believe in their own clippings, but not Max. He was as grounded as anyone I’ve ever met. He always, always spoke to people on their own level. Somehow, he just knew how to be human.”

Max Keeping may not have always carried the equability that marked his mature personality. As a young person, he felt that he had missed some of the play and enjoyment of youth.

Born in Grand Bank, a small fishing community on Newfoundland’s south coast, he saw little of his father, a schooner captain who was away at sea much of the time. His mother died of cancer when he was only nine. The next year, his only brother Bert was lost at sea while working on a fishing vessel.

A three-year-old Max Keeping in Grand Bank, Newfoundland.

After his mother died, Keeping was raised by his sister, who was only 22 when she took over the paternal duties. She was a strict disciplinarian, on their mother’s model.

For all his gregariousness, Keeping always felt a bit broken at his core. At Christmas, a time of cherished family togetherness for most people, he always felt empty and at a loss. He once said that his best Christmases were those spent, in adulthood, at Disney World, adding that only he went to Fantasyland to get in touch with reality.

In his early teens, when his sister and her family moved to the mainland, he was left mostly on his own, but he put his life to good account. He started work at the St. John’s Evening Telegram, a foot in the door to the journalism career that became his life. He was paid $20 a week and his performance was sterling enough that he became sports editor while still a teenager. Already, he impressed colleagues with his ability to string together colourful, clear sentences, and he was a wonder as a one-fingered typist.

Perhaps sensing his true métier, he began working at a St. John’s radio station, soon after moving to CJCH in Halifax, a radio and television station owned by Finlay MacDonald, who became a Tory senator. It’s probably fair to say that Keeping began coming into his own at CJCH. When covering a story about a heavy snowstorm, he delivered his report from atop a big snow removal vehicle. Where did he find the vehicle? The station didn’t know — but they appreciated his flair.

Keeping was eventually fired by CJCH — officially, for insubordination (he kept working on a story the proprietor didn’t like), but perhaps also as a protective gesture for the company’s vehicles, four of which he had crashed during his brief time at the station.

Max Keeping, May ,1982.

In 1965, Keeping came to Ottawa to work at CFRA, then Ottawa’s leading radio station. A year later, he began working as CTV’s parliamentary reporter. He made the most of his time there, working hard and cultivating close friendships with the Newfoundland MPs, even helping them to write stories for the St. John’s newspapers.

The political virus proved catching. In 1972, he took a leave of absence from his reporting duties to run as a Progressive Conservative candidate in his home riding of Burin-Burgeo. It was a long shot, as the vote proved. The popular incumbent, Liberal cabinet minister Don Jamieson, had brought lots of federal largesse to the riding and won by 9,000 votes.

Having run in an election, it was now hard for Keeping to claim the impartiality that parliamentary reporters must have, so CTV refused to take him back on staff. However, CJOH was willing to take him on as news director and shortly after made him the evening news anchor, a position he kept for 38 years.

Keeping was always a bon vivant, in love with partying, dancing and even singing — though when he sang, his friends would joke, he was never playing his long suit. He also liked his libations, though in later life he restricted his intake to beer.

The drinking was excessive enough to affect his judgment. Under the influence, he might suddenly rent a plane to go to a distant baseball or hockey game. On one occasion, prompted by a sudden craving for fish, he flew to Halifax for a fish dinner, the kind of indulgence he had no time for in later years.

Loneliness was a theme. There had been, he once said, a shot or two at marriage, but he decided that he was too attached to his job to endure the compromises of professional life that marriage would bring.

What he did have was what he called “families of choice.” Over the years, he took a number of disadvantaged young men under his wing and, as they matured and married, he became attached to their families, which finally included a number of grandchildren. Conversations with those grandchildren, he once said, were “the only escape I have” and the only time he wasn’t “the guy from television.”

Max Keeping

As newsroom leader, he was a demanding but compassionate boss. Nancy Wilson, who went on to a stellar career at CBC, once said that Keeping was “one of the best bosses I ever had, a great mentor and a friend.” But you had to deliver the goods, she added. “He was in complete command of the newsroom. If he thought you were getting sloppy in your writing, he’d call you on it. He led by example and had great instincts.”

Over the years, Keeping was a mentor for many young journalists who went on to prominent careers. Besides Wilson, they include the late celebrated ABC News anchor Peter Jennings, retired CBC journalist Kathryn Wright, former NBC reporter Arthur Kent, who became known as the “scud stud” during the first Iraq war, Jane Gilbert, who went on to work for Global Television and the CBC, former CTV News chief Henry Kowalski, and TSN sportscaster James Duthie.

Keeping’s last newscast in March 2010 was a tribute to his career. A video showed footage from all the stages of his career in Ottawa — the news stories, the telethons, the public face of the man. Video salutes came in from CTV anchor Lloyd Robertson, Duthie, Ottawa Senators president Cyril Leeder, and from Dr. Bob Roberts, CEO of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Then-mayor Larry O’Brien and Coun. Rick Chiarelli announced on a video tribute that the city’s next major roadway would be named Max Keeping Boulevard.

Max Keeping serves breakfast at the launch of the 2005 community campaign for the United Way/Centraide Ottawa.

In his sign-off message, Keeping said he was “humbled by the kind and warm wishes this week as I finish one mission and embark on the next one.” He paid tribute to the viewers, saying that the newscast had always been defined by their values. “Together we have shaped a caring, compassionate community.”

The station was not quite finished with him. Keeping was appointed its community ambassador, a position he held until March 2014.

Though still apparently vigorous, age and health issues had been catching up with Keeping. For years, he had been able to get by on four hours or less of sleep per night. “There’ll be lots of time for sleeping when you’re six feet under,” he used to say. Meanwhile, there were events to attend, parties to enjoy, work to do, and all kinds of people to help. With his constitution, he easily met the demands of a superhuman schedule.

Max Keeping hawks the Ottawa Citizen, in downtown Ottawa, during the annual Raise-a-Reader campaign where volunteers collect donations.

That changed in the summer of 2003 when doctors told Keeping he had prostate cancer. He got the news on the same weekend he hosted the CHEO telethon. Addressing his cancer, he said: “You can’t ruin my weekend. I’ve got kids who inspire me to deal with this. They have much more difficult things to tackle, and if there’s anything over the past 20 years that kids have taught me, it’s about living.”

That attitude and the fact that the cancer was caught early seemed to carry him through. He had a good recovery and resumed his frenetic schedule of work and charitable service.

In 2012, two years into his retirement, the doctors had more bad news. They had discovered colorectal cancer. Keeping’s only hope was extensive surgery to remove his rectum, anus, prostate and bladder. After surgery, he would need two ostomy bags.

If the prospect depressed Keeping, he kept it well hidden. He made a point, prior to surgery, of seeing the important people in his life. He went to some fine parties. And he attended a concert by Great Big Sea, a folk-rock group from Newfoundland.

“I’m not afraid of dying,” he said. “If I never get to another concert again, I was on stage with Great Big Sea, working the crowd. It’s strange for me to say, but it’s actually been fun working my way toward this to say, ‘Hey, life is really good.’”

If Keeping’s post-surgical quality of life was compromised, you would hardly know it from the gusto with which he still attacked life. His energy and enthusiasm remained remarkable even for a younger man in good health.

In March of 2014, Keeping learned of a new challenge that even his strong constitution and will to live would not surmount. Doctors told him he had inoperable lung cancer. But Keeping was still not feeling sorry for himself. He hoped, he said, to champion events surrounding the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay for Life in May and June. “I intend on speeding up, not slowing down,” he said.

Erik Karlsson #65 of the Ottawa Senators and Jonathan Toews #19 of the Chicago Blackhawks take a ceremonial face-off with (L-R) Mark Reeds, Max Keeping and Bryan Murray on Hockey Fights Cancer night at Canadian Tire Centre on October 30, 2014.

He rose fully to the occasion at his April 1st birthday party, where he seemed to have all his old drive and alertness — but the cancer continued its advance. In April, doctors found a new tumour, this time in his brain — and though he survived the surgery that followed, he awoke from surgery unable to speak.

For a time, he seemed to rally, but each gain was becoming more and more temporary.

Keeping died in palliative care.

Funeral arrangements have not yet been announced.

For Dave Ready, a trustee of the Max Keeping Foundation, Keeping’s death was premature, but he saw real beauty in the shape of his friend’s life.

“You know, Max used to joke about the number of people who worked at CJOH and then went on to greater things — and he would say he was happy to have been part of their success, but his place was here. He’d found his village, his kingdom on Earth. And if he could help people here as part of that village, that was his destiny.”

Will we see his like again? Christopher Waddell, director of the School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University, doubted it very much.

“There are three factors here. One, Max Keeping was one of those news anchors whose personality came through clearly, whom you felt you knew, whom you might invite to dinner — and that kind of connection is rare. Two, his extraordinary work in the community was one of a kind, unique. And three, there are now so many ways to get the news, through technological advances, that no one outlet can dominate like they used to.

“So no, Max Keeping was a special case and I doubt very much we’ll see his like again.”


