Raaymakers: Time to start charging all Park and Ride users

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The City of Ottawa’s Park and Ride program, which features 16 Park and Ride locations offering a combined total of over 7,000 parking spaces, is very popular with Ottawa’s commuters. In some ways, it’s been a victim of its own success; we’ve already started hearing about the annual autumnal ticketing spree for illegally parked vehicles at certain lots. But Park and Rides are expensive to build and maintain, so maybe it’s time OC Transpo starts charging users to park in them.

Park and Ride lots greatly improve service levels for those lucky enough to find a spot. They allow users to bypass circuitous neighbourhood service offered by local and express routes with a free parking space in which they can store their vehicle for the duration of their workday, school day, or visit into town. This can save suburban residents 10-15 minutes per trip, and rural or out-of-town residents even more than that. For this reason, they should be considered a premium addition to the service, rather than an included component of it. As with all other premium service additions in the transportation industry, OC Transpo should be charging for that convenience.

Aside from that practical argument, we’re all well aware that OC Transpo desperately needs the money. Charging nominal parking rates at popular lots could at least partially relieve the utility’s need to increase revenue by continually jacking up fares, which they’ve done each year in recent memory and are planning to do, by 2.5 per cent, for each of the next three years as well. Considering declining ridership, current high rates OC Transpo customers pay for rides, and the service challenges caused by ongoing Confederation Line construction, fare increases should be a final resort right now. Charging for Park and Ride parking is a consideration that should be made first.

Given the cost the City of Ottawa pays to offer Park and Ride lots, it’s reasonable to expect users will pay to use them during peak periods. As Kelly Egan explored in a recent Ottawa Citizen column, Ottawa is building a new Park and Ride lot in Kanata that will cost, including land and construction, roughly $47,000 per newly available spot. If the city believes that’s money well spent in order to offer more spots, surely users can stomach a couple dollars a day to use them. That’s still a fraction of the cost of downtown parking.

Currently, OC Transpo offers (but does not require) Gold Permit parking at all lots, which guarantees a spot to the holder for a monthly cost of $54.75. For some reason, permits are limited at the most popular Park and Rides (Eagleson and Place D’Orléans), so they’re currently sold out. We know there’s a willingness to pay for them; who knows how many would sell if Ottawa didn’t artificially cap the supply of Gold Permits there. Expanding that permit program to cover all spots in the most popular lots would control demand for the service and bring in additional revenue. Building off the rules in place at the Baseline Park and Ride — where passes are only required during weekday mornings before 11 a.m. — would ensure that shift workers, students, and people using OC Transpo to get to evening events (like Bluesfest or RedBlacks games) can still park in lots for free outside of peak periods.

Charging Park and Ride users will also ensure that out-of-town OC Transpo customers contribute to the costs of those lots, which they’re currently benefiting from thanks to Ottawa taxpayers. It would also limit the number of carpoolers meeting in Park and Ride lots and driving together, thus taking spots away from OC Transpo customers.

A full-scale permit-based system for Park and Ride lots is a revenue opportunity that OC Transpo needs to seriously consider. It’s a quick, easy, and effective way of generating new revenue, and it specifically targets those receiving premium service instead of raising fares for the entire customer base.

Peter Raaymakers is an Ottawa writer.

