Greg Fergus, MP: A wonk in a candy shop

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It’s hard not to imagine theme music playing as Greg Fergus strides down Sparks Street.

Every few steps, he’s stopped by well-wishers or power brokers. Hands are shaken, heads are nodded. Shoulder clasps and air kisses continue inside the restaurant. A business card is discreetly slipped into Fergus’ breast pocket.

The attention seems a little disproportionate for a rookie MP and parliamentary secretary. At the suggestion that it all looks like a scene from House of Cards, Fergus furrows his brow and looks all Frank Underhill faux-sincere before saying, “You might say so, but I couldn’t possibly comment.”

Then he laughs. He laughs a lot.

Fergus may be the best-connected insider no one outside the Liberal party has heard of: former national party director, youth leader, big-league lobbyist, senior ministerial assistant.

But for now, the 46-year-old is where he’s always wanted to be.

“I’m a kid in a candy shop, I get to be a parliamentarian,” says Fergus, the new MP for Hull-Aylmer.

When he was an actual kid in the Montreal suburb of Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Fergus subscribed to Hansard — “When I found you could subscribe by mail and it was free, I was in” — the start of his political education. The teen’s heroes transcended party lines: Joe Clark “funny, witty, a parliamentary hero”; ex-NDP MP Nelson Riis was “tremendous”; Liberal MP and Sen. George Baker “would make me laugh out loud.”

He wasn’t quite a bookworm, but education and hard work have been central to the Fergus family history, going back generations.

Before the Second World War, his great-grandmother swapped one of her son’s identities with another, to help him leave the tiny British protectorate of Montserrat for a better life. The younger son — Greg’s grandfather — wasn’t old enough to join the RAF, “which would have been a way to get out for blacks at the time,” says Fergus. So great-grandma had her younger son switch identities with his “ne’er-do-well” older brother to get into the RAF, and eventually to Montreal’s storied Little Burgundy neighbourhood.

Fergus’s father, Cyril, a high school teacher, pulled Greg out of public school after a teachers’ strike in the 1980s and sent him to Selwyn House, a private boys’ school in Westmount.

“My dad and mother always said, ‘Look, we can’t give you money, we can’t give you connections, but we can give you an education.'”

In 1988, Fergus came to the University of Ottawa, where he reached a new level in the parliamentary wonk firmament.

“When I heard about the Parliamentary Page program I thought, ‘What could be better?’ ” Fergus says. “Without being elected, I got to walk on the green carpet!” The year-long gig doing chores for the honourable members confirmed his Hansard-based impression that politicians didn’t have to be two-dimensional.


Parliamentary Pages of 1988-1989. Greg Fergus, is in the back row, sixth from left.

After graduating, Fergus worked for a couple of cabinet ministers, then earned a degree in international relations at Carleton. Around that time, he got his first taste of real political action as the president of the Young Liberals of Canada. Under his watch, the YLC became one of the first major political organizations to recognize same-sex marriage.

By the time the Tories took power in 2006, Fergus had become director of industry practices for Rx&D (representing Canada’s research-based pharmaceutical companies) in 2007.

He then took the seemingly thankless job of national director of the Liberal party. By all accounts, Fergus, who had backed Bob Rae at the fractious convention to replace Paul Martin but rallied behind winner Stéphane Dion, was the unanimous choice because of his positive attitude and organizing skills.

It was also roughly around this time when he made his first attempt at elected politics in the Pontiac riding, losing the Liberal nomination to Cindy McMillan who, in turn, lost to Tory powerhouse Lawrence Cannon.

He took a senior government relations position for the Canada’s Universities association, but the elected political bug had burrowed deep.

Ask him about his family and it’s a challenge to get him back on point. His wife, Anne Cool, is a researcher for the Library of Parliament (she’s taken a leave of absence while Fergus is in Parliament). The three Cool-Fergus offspring are each forces to be reckoned with: eldest daughter Alex is in environmental studies and the ex-officio logistics expert during her father’s campaign; second-born Ben’s passion for urban planning has already drawn some attention at Gatineau City Hall; and youngest daughter Sarah is a university student who’s a history aficionado with an artistic side.

It’s a house full of opinions who “absolutely hold my feet to the fire,” says Fergus. They’re also his biggest supporters and key in his decision to run for office in 2015.


Newly elected Liberal MPs Catherine McKenna and Greg Fergus celebrate.

As with so many Oct. 19 victories, Fergus’ came as something of a surprise, beating out NDP powerhouse Nycole Turmel. Given his profile in the party, many were almost shocked he wasn’t appointed to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet.

Asked about it before he was named parliamentary secretary for Innovation, Science and Economic Development Minister Navdeep Singh Bains in early December, Fergus insisted he wasn’t disappointed.

Besides, he had more than enough to do for his constituents in Hull-Aylmer, where he’s been a grassroots kind of guy for years. He’s worked with not-for-profits, parish council, neighbourhood associations, school committees and coached community sports teams.

“I always figure hard work will win out (and I) have a lot of things to do for the folks of Hull-Aylmer.”

Meanwhile, he’s already handled his first couple of questions as acting minister (one on net neutrality and another on interprovincial wine trade) but, like a proud parliamentary wonk, he’s really looking forward to his maiden speech to the house sometime early in the new year.

“That’s going to be something. That’s when (it will be) real.”

