i got another comupter for sale(my freinds)
its a p4 1.7 with 512m ddr ram.Msi geforce fx5200 deluxe with 128m video ram.40g maxtor harddrive. dvdrom and cdrw rom.and soundcard 2 lan cards 2.1 speaker, logical internet keyboard with many options on it and cordless microsoft optical mouse(best class in microsoft cordless optical mouse brand new) epson color printer.also include 17' monitor. total ask 770CND or O.B.O used for 1 year
i also got a prima 21' tv for sale, it comes with remote and built-in
subtitles.3 line A.V in and out filter look almost new. ask 120 CND
to contact me email benben8213139@hotmail.com leave your phone NO here i will call u back.
its a p4 1.7 with 512m ddr ram.Msi geforce fx5200 deluxe with 128m video ram.40g maxtor harddrive. dvdrom and cdrw rom.and soundcard 2 lan cards 2.1 speaker, logical internet keyboard with many options on it and cordless microsoft optical mouse(best class in microsoft cordless optical mouse brand new) epson color printer.also include 17' monitor. total ask 770CND or O.B.O used for 1 year
i also got a prima 21' tv for sale, it comes with remote and built-in
subtitles.3 line A.V in and out filter look almost new. ask 120 CND
to contact me email benben8213139@hotmail.com leave your phone NO here i will call u back.